Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

The Endocrine System 303


The Endocrine System continued

  1. When the skin is removed, you will see
    exposed muscles and glands. Notice the large
    lengthwise muscles of the neck region. These
    can be removed to expose the thymus gland.
    Refer to Figure 12-10 of a fetal pig dissection
    for a view of this region. The thymus gland
    appears spongelike as opposed to the thick
    cords of muscle tissue.

  2. In the pig, the thymus gland is two large lobes
    located just below the cartilaginous larynx or
    voice box. Now push the two lobes apart with
    a probe or forceps to expose the

smaller, dark brown thyroid gland found on
top of the trachea. While here, note the tra-
chea with its cartilaginous rings.^

  1. Once you have found these glands of the
    endocrine system, return your fetal pig to its
    storage area. We will use it again in future

  2. Your instructor may now show you a video-
    tape or DVD on the endocrine system. There
    are a number to choose from. An excellent
    videotape is “Homeostasis: The Body in
    Balance” by Human Relations Media, 175
    Tompkins Ave., Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570.

Thymus gland

Pericardial sac^
Cut rib cage

Lung Capacity.

Figure 12- 10 The throat and thoracic region of a dissected fetal

Thyroid gland

Heart (left ventricle)


The Liver

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