Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1



Key Terms

ABO blood group.......... 314. Globin............. 310 .... .Neutrophils............... 306 ...
Agglutination............. 314. Globulins................ 307 .. Phagocytosis............. 310 ..
Albumin............. 307 .... .Hematopoiesis............ 308 .. Plaque.............. 313 ......
Basophils................ 306 .. Heme................. 310 .... Plasma................ 305 ....
Clot.................. 313 .... Hemoglobin............... 310. Prothrombin........... 312....
Complement............. 307 .. Infarction................ 314 .. Rh blood group............ 314.
Embolism............. 314 .... Leukocytes (WBCs)......... 305. Stem cells/hematocytoblasts.. 308
Embolus................ 314 ... Lymphocytes............. 307 .. Syneresis.............. 313 ....
Eosinophils............... 306. Lysozyme................ 310 .. Thrombin................ 312 ..
Erythroblastosis fetalis....... 317 Macrophages.............. 310. Thrombocytes/platelets...... 305
Erythrocytes (RBCs)......... 305. Megakaryocytes.......... 311 .. Thromboplastin............ 311.
Fibrin................ 312 ..... Monocytes............... 307 .. Thrombosis............ 314 ....
Fibrinogen................ 307. Myeloid tissue/red bone Thrombus................ 314 ..
Fibrinolysis............... 313 .. marrow................ 308..


Blood is a uniquely specialized connective tissue in that it
consists of two components: the formed elements of blood,
or the blood cells, and the fluid part of blood or plasma
(Figure 13-1). The formed elements of blood are the red
blood cells (RBCs) or erythrocytes (eh-RITH-roh-
sightz), the white blood cells (WBCs) or leukocytes
(LOO-koh-sightz), and the platelets or thrombocytes
(THROM-boh-sightz). Plasma, a viscous fluid, accounts
for about 55% of blood; the formed elements make up
about 45% of the total volume of blood. An average
woman has about 5 liters of blood; an average man has

6 liters of blood in the body. Blood accounts for about 8%
of total body weight. See Concept Map 13-1: The Blood.

Functions of the Blood
Pumped by the heart and carried by blood vessels
throughout the body, blood is a complex liquid that
-performs a number of critical functions. These functions
relate to maintaining homeostasis.
Blood transports oxygen from the lungs, where it en-
ters the RBCs, to all cells of the body. Oxygen is needed by
the cells for cellular metabolism. Blood also trans-ports
carbon dioxide from the cells, where it is produced

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