The Abo Blood Group
- Type A blood individuals have antibody anti-B in
their blood plasma. Type B blood individuals have
antibody anti-A. Type AB blood individuals have no
antibodies. Type O blood individuals have both
antibodies anti-A and anti-B.^
- Type AB individuals are known as universal
recipients because they can receive any blood type in
a transfusion.^
- Type O individuals are known as universal donors
because they have no antigens and their blood can be
transfused into any blood group.
The Rh Blood Group
- This blood group was named after the Rhesus
monkey in which one of the eight Rh antigens was
- The most important Rh antigen is antigen D. People
with this antigen are Rh positive; those without it are
Rh negative.^
3.^ Most Americans are Rh positive.^
4. Anti-Rh antibodies develop only after exposure to
Rh-positive blood in an Rh-negative individual.
Therefore, second transfusions can cause
- Rh-negative mothers carrying an Rh-positive baby
can be treated with a drug called RhoGAM to protect
the developing fetus.
Review Questions
- Classify blood cells into three major categories with
subdivisions when appropriate.^
2.^ List the functions of blood.^
*3. How does the anatomy of the red blood cell allow it to
carry oxygen and carbon dioxide gas?
Chapter 13
- Name the four categories of ABO blood groups.^
5. Why must blood groups be matched during a blood
6. Explain the clotting mechanism.
Critical Thinking Questions
Place the most appropriate number in the blank
Hematopoiesis 1. Macrophage
Heme 2. Destroys bacteria
Globin 3. Antibodies
Syneresis 4. Combat irritants/
Monocyte allergies
Lysozyme 5. Red bone marrow
Eosinophils 6. Clotting
Thrombocytes 7. Carries carbon dioxide
Type O blood 8. Universal donor
Lymphocytes 9. Iron atoms bond with
- Heparin
- Clot retraction
- Rhesus monkey
Search and Explore
● Search the Internet with key words from
the chapter to discover additional
information and interactive exercises.
Key words might include blood groups,
blood clotting process, blood cell
anatomy, or disorders of the blood.
Study Tools
Study Guide activities for Chapter 13
Online Resources PowerPoint presentations