organs as a surrounding layer such as the layer around our
kidneys to protect them from severe jolts.
Proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and
nitrogen covalently bonded. Most proteins also contain
some sulfur. The basic building blocks of proteins are
Chapter 2
20 amino acids. They vary in both the length of their car-
bon chain backbones and the atoms connected to that
backbone. However, each amino acid has a carboxyl group
(^2 COOH), an amine group (^2 NH 2 ), a hydrogen atom, and
the R group. The R group refers to the different types of at-
oms and length of the chain (Figure 2-8). Covalent bonds
form between different amino acids to form proteins. These
are referred to as peptide bonds (Figure 2-9).
General structure Special structure property (^)
CH (^3)
(^) R S (^)
H 2 N (^) C C OH CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 SH (^)
(^) H O (^) CH 2 CH C OH CH 2 CH (^2)
(^) N (^) O H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH (^)
H^ H^ O^ H O^
Amine Carboxyl Proline Methionine Cysteine (^)
group group (pro) (met) (cys) (^)
Nonaromatic Aromatic (^)
Nonpolar CH 3 CH 3 CH (^3)
(^) CH 3 CH 3 CH CH (^2)
CH 3 CH CH 2 H C CH (^3) NH
H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH
(^) C CH (^)
(^) H O H O H O H O (^) CH 2 CH 2
Alanine^ Valine^ Leucine^ Isoleucine^
(^) (ala) (val) (leu) (ile) H 2 N C (^) C OH H 2 N (^) C C OH (^)
Polar uncharged O NH 2 H O H O (^)
O NH 3 C Phenylalanine Tryptophan (^)
CH 3
(phe) (trp) (^)
(^) OH CH (^2)
H CH 2 H C OH CH 2 CH 2
OH (^)
H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH (^)
H O H O H O H O H O (^) CH 2
Glycine Serine Threonine Asparagine Glutamine (^)
(gly) (ser) (thr) (asn) (gln) H 2 N^ C C OH
Ionizable NH^2 H O (^)
(^) C NH Tyrosine (^)
CH 2 NH 2
CH 2
C O OH CH CH (^2)
CH 2 C C N CH 2 CH (^2)
CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 H CH 2 CH (^2)
H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH H 2 N C C OH
Glutamic acid(glu) Aspartic acid(sap) Histidine(his) Lysine(lys) Arginine(arg)
Figure 2- 8 The general structure of an amino acid and the list of the 20 amino acids found in the human body.