Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Nutrition and the Digestive System 403

Case Study^

Judith Goldberg, a 17-year-old woman, is admitted to the emergency room for the
third time this year for the same symptoms, which have now increased in severity. Judith
states that she is experiencing abdominal pain, frequent bouts of diarrhea, fever, chills,
nausea, and weakness. She reports that she has no appetite and has been steadily losing
weight. The health care provider instructs Judith to see her gastroenterologist
immediately to discuss surgery as an option to control the^


3.^ What do you think might be causing Judith’s recurring symptoms?^
4.^ What areas of the digestive system does this disorder affect?^
5. What is the prognosis for individuals with this condition?

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The Digestive System

Materials needed: A dissecting kit, a 9- to 11 -
inch fetal pig from a biologic supply com-pany,
and a dissecting pan.

A.. External Features

  1. The head: Locate the nostrils or snout, the
    closed eyes, the mouth, and the external ears.

  2. The trunk: Examine the four legs. Notice
    that there are four toes on each foot and that
    the pig walks on only two. Hence, the pig is
    referred to as an even-toed ungulate mammal,
    which means that it is hoofed and that it walks
    on its toenails. Observe the umbilical cord,
    which is seen on the ven-tral surface of the
    abdomen. This allows the

fetal pig to exchange nutrients, oxygen, and
waste materials with its mother through the
fetal blood circulatory system. There are also
pairs of nipples on the ventral sur-face of the
abdomen. They are the openings from the
mammary (milk) glands. All sexes have
nipples. Male mammary glands are
functionless. Note the presence of hair at
various places on the pig’s body. Hair can
usually be seen under the chin and around the
closed eyes.^

  1. To sex your pig, look first at the anus, which
    is the posterior opening of the digestive tract.
    If you have a female, you will see a small
    projecting papilla coming out of what looks
    like the anus. Actually, the papilla is part of
    the urogenital opening that is just

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