The Chemistry of Life 37
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Study Guide Activities for Chapter 2
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Materials needed: A pH meter, osmosis kit, 2. Demonstration of osmosis: Your instructor (^)
models of chemical molecules will demonstrate the effects of osmosis with (^)
- pH measurements: With the assistance of a the assistance of an osmosis kit from a biologic (^)
pH meter provided by your instructor, mea- supply company. The experiment shown in^
Figure 2-13 can be demonstrated using first a
sure the pH of tap water, distilled water, to-
3% salt solution and then a 3% sugar solution.
mato juice, orange juice, apple juice, your (^)
saliva, a baking soda solution, ammonia, 3. Examine the chemical models, provided by (^)
and household bleach. Prepare a chart to your instructor, illustrating the molecular (^)
place these items under the basic or acidic structures and bonding of some common (^)
category. substances found in living systems. (^)