Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

The Reproductive System 477

Common Disease, Disorder, or Condition

Disorders of The Reproductive System continued

Ovarian Cancer^
Ovarian cancer is a malignant growth in the ovaries that is usually not detected until it
has well advanced. It usually develops in women in their 50s. Some symptoms include
abdominal pain and swelling, abnormal bleeding from the vagina, weight loss, and
frequent urination. Some risk factors are infertility, not having children, delaying child
birth to later on in life, and endometriosis. Yearly pelvic examination after age 40 can
lead to early diagnosis and treatment.

Menstrual Cramps^
Menstrual cramps are experienced by many women with the onset of the menses,
resulting from strong contractions of the myometrial layer of the uterus. These con-
tractions produce a low abdominal pain that can extend to the legs and lower back. The
pain can range from a dull ache to a sharp visceral pain that peaks in 24 hours but can
last for a number of days. Treatment includes the taking of nonsteroid drugs such as
aspirin and ibuprofen, just before or after the start of the menstrual cycle.

Ectopic Pregnancy^
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants in tissues other than the
lining of the uterus, usually outside of the uterine cavity. The most common ec-topic
pregnancies occur in the fallopian tubes. This results in the death of the fetus and the
possibility of hemorrhage from a rupturing of the tube. If the egg implants in tissues of
the abdominal cavity, the fetus may be able to develop but must be de-livered by
caesarian section. This is known as an abdominal pregnancy.

Female Infertility^
Female infertility is the inability of the female to produce a child. The cause could be
immature or defective sexual organs, decreased hormonal secretions from the ova-ries
or from the anterior pituitary gland, or from an inability of the fertilized egg to implant in
the endometrial lining of the uterus. Blockages of the fallopian tubes due to adhesions
from various infections are the most common cause of female infertility.

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Infertility (^)
Male infertility is most commonly caused by result from a number of causes resulting in (^)
a low sperm cell count. The average range of damage to the testes: radiation, trauma, (^)
spermatozoa ejaculated is 50 to 100 million undescended testes still in the abdominal cavity, (^)
per milliliter. If that number falls below higher than normal scrotal temperatures, (^)
20 million per milliliter, the male is considered and an infection with mumps. In addition, (^)
to be infertile. Decreased sperm count can inadequate secretions of follicle-stimulating (^)

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