The Reproductive System 487
The Reproductive System
Materials needed: A dissecting kit, your fetal pig,
and a dissecting pan.
The Female Fetal Pig
If your animal is a female, locate the reproduc-tive
structures described. Refer to Figure 19-15. If
your specimen is a male, examine another
learner’s female specimen. Each learner should be
responsible for locating the reproductive structures
of both sex es.
Locate the paired female gonads, or the
ovaries. They are small bodies suspended from the
peritoneal wall in mesenteries, posterior to the
kidneys. Examine one ovary closely,
and notice the small short coiled oviduct, also
called the fallopian tube. The oviduct does not
attach directly to the ovary, but ends in an open,
funnel-shaped structure that partially encloses the
ovary. This is visible only with the dissecting
microscope. When ovulation occurs, the eggs are
carried by ciliary currents into the mouth of the
funnel and pass down the oviduct to the uterus.
In your pig, most of the uterus, or womb, is
divided into two sections called uterine horns. At
its anterior end, each of the uterine horns connects
with an oviduct; at their posterior ends the uterine
horns join to form the smaller,
CA: Belmont, 1998, Perry, W. James and Morton David by
(^) ,
Anatomy for Atlas Photo
From Morton.
DavidLearning Dr.
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(CourtesyCengage ©^
Figure 19- 15 The reproductive organs of a female fetal pig.