Triquetral a bone of the wrist
Trochanter very large projection on a bone
Trochlea process shaped like a pulley on a
Trochlear nerve IV controls movement of the eyeball and
con-veys impulses related to muscle sense^
Tropomyosin an inhibitor substance found in muscle
cells Troponin an inhibitor substance found in muscle
cells Tubercle small round process on a bone
Tuberculosis bacterial infection of the lungs
Tubulin protein fibers that make up the spindle during cell
Tumor abnormal and uncontrolled growth of a cell
Tunica adventitia the outermost wall of an artery or
Tunica albuginea a layer of white, fibrous, connective tissue
that covers each testis^
Tunica intima the innermost layer of the wall of an artery or
Tunica media the middle layer of the wall of an artery or
vein Tunica mucosa innermost lining of the alimentary
Tunica muscularis the third layer of the wall of the
alimentary^ canal^
Tunica serosa the fourth or outermost layer of the wall of the
alimentary canal^
Tunica submucosa the second layer of the wall of the
alimen-tary canal^
Turbinates thin, fragile bones found on the lateral sides of the
nostrils; nasal conchae^
Tympanic membrane eardrum
Tympanic plate forms the floor and anterior wall of the
exter-nal auditory meatus
Ulna longer, medial bone of the forearm
Ulnar arteries supply blood to the
forearm Ulnar veins drain blood from the
Umbilical cord a connecting stalk of tissue that connects the
developing fetus to the placenta^
Unipolar neurons neurons that have only one process
extend-ing from the cell body; most sensory neurons are
Unsaturated a fatty acid that contains one or more double co-
valent bonds between the carbon atoms^
Uremia excessive urine in the blood
Ureters transport urine from the renal pelvis into the urinary
Urethra the tube that leads from the bladder to the outside
Urethral orifice the terminal opening of the urethra
Urinary bladder hollow muscular organ located in the pelvic
cavity posterior to the^ pubic symphysis^
Urinary incontinence an uncontrollable flow of urine