Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, urinary
bladder, and urethra^
Urine the eliminated materials from the filtered blood
Uterine cavity interior of the body of the uterus
Uterine tubes transport ova from the ovaries to the uterus;
also called fallopian tubes^
Uterus womb
Uvula a conical projection hanging from the posterior border
of the soft palate; functions in the swallowing process and
prevents food from backing up into the nasal area

Vacuole an area within the cytoplasm that is surrounded by a
vacuolar membrane^
Vagina the opening into the female reproductive system that
leads to the uterus^
Vaginal orifice the opening into the vagina
Vagus nerve X controls skeletal muscle movements in the
pharynx, larynx, and palate^
Vas deferens ductus deferens
Vascular (venous) sinuses veins with thin walls
Vasectomy an operation for birth control that severs the vas
deferens, preventing sperm from reaching the exterior^
Vastus intermedius muscle that extends the leg and flexes
the^ thigh^

Vastus lateralis muscle that extends the leg and flexes the

Vastus medialis muscle that extends the leg and flexes the

Veins blood vessels that carry blood to the heart
Ventilation breathing; movement of air between the atmo-
sphere and lungs^
Ventral the belly side
Ventral cerebral peduncles convey impulses from the
cerebral^ cortex to the pons and spinal cord^
Ventricles cavities within the brain that connect with each

Venules small vessels that connect capillaries to veins
Vermiform appendix twisted tube attached to the closed end
of the cecum^
Vertebral artery supplies blood to part of the
brain Vertebral vein drains the back of the head
Vestibular folds upper folds in the mucous membrane of the
larynx; also called false vocal cords^
Vestibule 1. opening between the labia minora; 2. anterior
portion of the nasal cavities just inside the nostrils^
Vestibulocochlear nerve VIII transmits impulses related to
equilibrium and hearing^
Villi projections on the plicae of the mucosal coat of the small
intestine that increase absorptive surface area
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