Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Vi scera the organs of a cavity
Visceral refers to the covering of an organ
Visceral peritoneum another name for the tunica serosa
Visceral pleura covers the lungs
Vitiligo skin disease resulting in irregular patches of skin of
various sizes completely lacking any pigmentation^
Vitreous humor fluid that fills the posterior compartment of
the eye behind the lens^
Vocal folds lower folds in the mucous membrane of the
larynx;-^ also called true vocal cords^
Volkmann’s/perforating canals canals that run
horizontally to^ the Haversian canals^
Vomer bone flat bone that makes up the lower posterior
-portion of the nasal septum^
Vulva external genitalia of the female; also called the

Warts uncontrolled growth of epidermal tissue caused by
human papillomavirus^
Water the most abundant substance in living cells
Wheal a pale or red swollen elevation on the skin
White matter groups of myelinated axons from many
-neurons supported by neuroglia

Whiplash violent shaking of the cervical vertebrae
Whooping cough respiratory disorder caused by a bacterial
infection, resulting in severe coughing; also called pertussis^
Wormian/sutural bones located within the sutures of the
cranial bones

Xanthophyll a carotenoid pigment in plant cells that produces
a yellow color^
Xiphoid process the terminal portion of the sternum

Yellow bone marrow connective tissue consisting of fat

Z line narrow, dark-staining band found in the central region of
the I band^
Zygomatic or malar bones form the prominence of the
cheek Zygomaticus muscle that draws the lip upward and
outward Zygote fertilized egg
Zymogenic cells found in the stomach; they secrete the
principal gastric enzyme
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