carpals, 147f, 162, 164f, 187 cerebrum, 252–253, 252f, 255f, 256f, clitoris, 463f, 469–470, 469f
carpal tunnel syndrome, 187 257 – 258, 257f, 263 clones, 74
cartilage, 7, 100f, 138, 182– 184 cerumen, 265, 266f Clostridium tetani, 224
catabolism, 62 ceruminous glands, 266f, 265 clotting, blood, 311–314, 313f, 389
catalysts, 25 cervical canal, 466 coccyx, 147f, 155
cataracts, 272 cervical cancer, 468 cochlea, 266, 266f
caudal position, 5 cervical vertebrae, 155 coenzyme A, 64, 65f
cavernous urethra, 460 cervix, 463f, 466, 473 cofactor FAD, 65–66, 66f
cavities, body, 5, 6f–7f chancre, 475 cofactor NAD, 64–66, 66f
cecum, 390f, 391–392, 392f chemistry coitus, 468
celiac trunk, 335 atomic structure, 18 cold, common, 422
cell biologists, 52 bonds and energy, 20–21, 20f cold sores, 126
cell body, neuron, 106, 106f cell membrane transport, collagen, 97
cell membrane, 43 28 – 30, 29f collecting duct, 439
cells elements, isotopes, compounds, college professors, 33
anaerobic respiration, 66– 67 18 – 19 colon, 391–395, 392f
ATP production from food, 67–68, of living organisms, 21– 27 color blindness, 272
68f–70f chemists, 33 colorectal cancer, 394– 395
cell theory, 41– 42 chiasmata, 79 columnar cells, 94
cellular metabolism, overview, 62 chickenpox, 127, 127f columnar epithelial cells, 96
chemical substances in, 21– 27 chief cells, 288, 288f, 385 common bile duct, 389f
laboratory exercise, 91 chiropractors, 170 common cold, 422
organization of, 6–12, 8f, 9f chitin, 22 Common Disease, Disorder or
overview, 39–40, 40f chloride, 22, 433, 440 Condition
respiration, 46, 62, 70f chlorophyll, 51, 51f blood disorders, 315– 316
transport of materials, 28–30, 29f chloroplasts, 51, 51f burns, skin, 119
cellular immunity, 358 cholesterol, 313– 314 cancer, 83
cellular reproduction, 68– 69 chondrocytes, 100, 100f–101f cardiovascular system, 337– 340
cell cycle, 74–76, 74f, 75f chordae tendineae, 329 digestive system, 388, 393– 397
DNA, structure of, 69–73, 70f–73f chorionic vesicle, 471 endocrine system, 291– 294
gametogenesis, 80, 81f chorionic villi, 471 genetic disorders, 85
laboratory exercise, 91 choroid, 263, 265f integumentary system, 119, 125,
meiosis, 76–80, 77f–79f chromatids, 74 126 – 128, 127f–129f
mitosis vs. meiosis, 80, 83, 84f chromatin, 45, 74 joints, 192– 193
overview, 68– 69 chromatophilic substance, 236 lymphatic system, 355, 363– 365
cellulose, 22, 51 chromoplasts, 51 mumps, 382
cementum, 382 chromosomes, 45, 76 muscles, 222– 224
central canals, bone, 144 chronic obstructive pulmonary nervous system, 269– 271
central nervous system, 233–235, disease (COPD), 423 reproductive system, 461, 468,
234f, 235f chyle, 350 472, 474– 477
centrioles, 49–50, 50f chyme, 390 respiratory system, 420– 423
centromere, 74 cilia, 50, 414 skeletal system, 144, 170– 172
centrosome, 49, 50f ciliary body, 264, 265f skin cancer, 125
cephalad position, 5 circadian rhythms, 295 spine, 155, 156f
cephalic vein, 336f, 340 circulatory system, 10f, 30, 330f, tooth decay, 384
cerebellum, 252–253, 252f, 255f, 331 – 332. See also blood; urinary system, 444– 445
256f, 258 cardiovascular system common hepatic artery, 335
cerebral aqueduct, 253, 252f, 255f circumduction, 184, 185f common hepatic duct, 389f
cerebral circulation, 332 circumvallate papillae, 379, 381f common iliac artery, 334f, 336
cerebral cortex, 257 cirrhosis, 393 common iliac veins, 340
cerebral hemispheres, 257 cisternae, 47, 47f compact bone, 100–101,
cerebral palsy, 270 citric acid, 64, 65f 143 – 143f, 144
cerebrospinal fluid, 242, 252f, clavicle, 147f, 158, 160f, 172, 215f complement, 307
253, 255f cleavage furrow, 76 compound exocrine glands, 97
cerebrovascular accident, 269 cleft palate/lip, 171 compounds, chemical, 18–21, 20f