Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Index (^519)
concussion, 271 cricoid cartilage, 413, 413f detrusor muscle, 443, 443f (^)
conduction myofibers, 330 cristae, 46 diabetes, 283, 286, 292– (^293)
condyle, defined, 146 Crohn’s disease, 393– 394 diabetes dieticians, 296 (^)
condyloid joint, 188 crossing-over, 79 dialysis technicians, 447 (^)
cones, 263, 265f cross section, 5 diaphragm, 218, 219f, 385, 419 (^)
congenital heart disease, 338 crypts of Lieberkuhn, 390 diaphysis, 145 (^)
conjunctivitis, 272 cuboidal cells, 94, 168 diarrhea, 395 (^)
connective tissue, 6, 97–104, cuboidal epithelial cells, 95 diarthroses, 182–184, 182f, 185, 189f (^)
98f–103f cuboid bone, 168f diastole, 331 (^)
contact dermatitis, 127, 127f cuneiform cartilage, 413f, 413 diencephalon, 252, 252f, 255f (^)
contraction, muscles, 201–207, cuneiforms, 168, 168f dieticians, 86, 296, 399 (^)
203f–204f, 208 Cushing’s syndrome, 290, 294 diffusion, 28 (^)
contracture, 222 cuspids, 382, 383f digestive system (^)
coracoid process, 160, 161f cuticle, hair, 119, 122f aging, 398 (^)
cornea, 263, 265f cyanosis, 118 ATP production, 67–68, 68f–70f (^)
corniculate cartilage, 413, 413f, 414f cysteine, 24f careers related to, 398 (^)
corns, 116 cystic duct, 389f disorders of, 385, 388, 393– (^397)
coronal plane, 4f, 5 cystic fibrosis, 420 esophagus, 385 (^)
coronary arteries, 328f, 329 cystitis, 444 feces, 392, 397 (^)
coronary circulation, 330f, 331– 334 cytochrome system, 65–66, 66f gallbladder, 389 (^)
coronary heart disease, 337 cytokinesis, 68, 76 histology, 375– (^377)
coronary sinus, 328f, 329 cytoplasm, 41, 44 laboratory exercise, 403– (^407)
coronary sulcus, 328f, 329 cytosine, 26, 27f, 69, 71, 71f–73f large intestine, 391–392, 392f (^)
coronary thrombosis, 314, 337 cytotechnologists, 362 liver, 389, 389f (^)
corpus albicans, 464 mouth, 377–379, 380f (^)
corpus callosum, 257
nervous system, 258 (^)
corpus hemorrhagicum, 466, 468 overview, 11, 11f, 13, 374, (^)
corpus luteum, 464, 468 Dalton, John, 18 375f, 376f (^)
cortex, brain, 242 decarboxylase, 67 pancreas, 386, 389, 388f (^)
cortex, hair, 119, 121f decussation of pyramids, 254 pharynx, 382, 384, 384f (^)
cortex, kidney, 437 defecation, 258, 374 salivary glands, 380, 381f, 382 (^)
cortical nodules, 353 defense mechanisms, 361, 410 small intestine, 390–391, (^)
corticotropin-releasing hormone deglutition, 382, 384f 390f, 391f (^)
(CRH), 284 dehydration, 286 stomach, 386f, 385–386, 387f (^)
cortisol, 284, 290 deltoid, 210f, 211f, 215, 216f teeth, 382, 383f (^)
cortisone, 290 dendrites, 106, 106f, 236 water and, 22 (^)
cosmetologists, 130 dense bone, 143–144, 143f diploid chromosomes, 76 (^)
costae, 160f dense connective tissue, 98, 98f direction, terms of, 4–5, 4f (^)
cough reflex, 413 dental assistants, 399 dislocation, joint, 193 (^)
covalent bonds, 20 dental hygienists, 399 distal convoluted tubule, 438 (^)
Cowper’s glands, 460 dental laboratory technicians, 399 distal position, 5 (^)
coxal bones, 164, 165f dentes, 382, 383f diverticulosis, 394 (^)
cramps, 222 dentin, 101, 382 DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 24f, (^)
cranial bones, 147–150, 147f, 148f, dentists, 399 25 – 26, 45, 76–80, 77f–79f (^)
149f, 150f deoxyribose sugars, 22 DNA polymerase, 73 (^)
cranial cavity, 5, 6f depolarization, nerve impulse, 239 dopamine, 241 (^)
cranial meninges, 252–253, depression, 271 dorsal cavity, 5, 6f (^)
252f, 255f dermatologists, 130 dorsal gray horn, 243 (^)
cranial nerves, 7, 253f, 258–260, dermis, 7, 113–115, 114f, 115f, 118 dorsalis pedis artery, 334f, 336 (^)
260f, 261f, 263 descending (abdominal) aorta, 334f dorsalis venous arch, 336f (^)
cranial position, 5 descending colon, 391, 392f dorsal position, 5 (^)
cremaster muscle, 454 descending limb of Henle, 438 dorsal root, 243 (^)
crest, defined, 146 descending (thoracic) aorta, 328f, dorsal tectum, 254 (^)
cretinism, 287 329, 334f dorsal venous arch, 340 (^)
Crick, Francis, 70 desmosomes, 116 dorsiflexion, 186f, 187 (^)

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