Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Down syndrome, 85
Drew, Charles, 307
duct of Wirsung, 386
ductus deferens, 455f, 456f, 459
ductus epididymis, 459
duodenal glands, 390
duodenum, 386, 387f, 389f,
390, 390f
dura matter, 242
dwarfism, 171, 283

eardrum, 265, 266f
earwax, 265, 266f eccrine
sweat glands, 123
ectoderm, 471
ectopic pregnancy, 477
edema, 350
efferent arteriole, 439
efferent ducts, 458
efferent lymphatic vessels, 353
efferent neurons, 239
efferent peripheral system,
234, 234f^
ejaculatory ducts, 455f, 456f, 459
elastic cartilage, 100, 101f elastin,
elbow, 162, 163f, 187, 215–216,
216f electrical potential, 203–204,
203f electrocardiographic
technicians, 342
electrolytes, 290
electron acceptors, 21
electron carriers, 21
elec tron donors, 21
electron microscopists, 52
electrons, 18, 19
electron transport (transfer)
system, 62, 63, 64–66, 66f^
elements, 18– 19
elephantiasis, 355
elevation, 184, 186f
ellipsoidal joint, 188
embolism, 314
embolus, 314
embryonic development, 471–473,
emergency medical
technicians, 170^
emphysema, 420 encephalitis,
269 endocarditis, 337
endocardium, 326 endochondral
ossification, 141


endocrine glands, 94, 97, 280, 285f enzymes
endocrine system alcoholic dehydrogenase, 67
adrenal glands, 289–290, 289f^ coenzyme A, 64, 65f^
aging, 295^ decarboxylase, 67^
anterior pituitary gland, 283–^286 digestive, small intestine, 390^
careers, 296^ DNA polymerase, 73^
classification of hormones,^ helicase, 73^
282 –^283 liver, 389^
disorders of, 292–^294 protein metabolism, 24–^25
hormones, functions of, 281^ renin, 436^
hypothalamus, 283, 284f^ saliva, 380^
laboratory exercise, 302–^303 stomach, 385–^386
overview, 10, 10f, 280–281,^ synaptic transmission, 241, 241f^
280f, 281f^ eosinophilic myelocytes, 310^
pancreas, 290–291, 291f, 386,^ eosinophils, 306, 308f, 310, 312f^
388f, 389^ ependymal cells, 235^
parathyroid glands,^ epicardium, 326, 327f^
288 – 289, 288f^ epidermis, 7, 113–118, 114f, 115f^
pineal gland, 294–295, 295f^ epididymis, 455f, 456f, 459^
posterior pituitary gland,^ epidural space, 242^
285 –^286 epiglottis, 412f, 413, 413f, 414f^
thymus gland, 294^ epilepsy, 270^
thyroid gland, 286–288, 287f^ epimysium, 200, 202f^
endocrinologists, 296 epinephrine, 241, 289, 330
endoderm, 471 epiphyseal line, 145
endometriosis, 476 epiphysis, 145
endometrium, 462f, 466 epithalamus, 257
endomysium, 200, 202f epithelial tissue, 6, 94–97, 95f, 96f
endoplasmic reticulum, 39, 40f, 45, Epstein-Barr virus, 316
47, 47f, 236, 237f^ equilibrium, 265–266, 266f^
endorphins, 241 erectile dysfunction, 476
end osteum, 139 erection, 461
endothelial - capsular erythroblastosis fetalis, 317
membrane, 438^ erythrocytes, 102, 305, 306,^
endothelium, 97 306f, 307f, 308f, 310,
energy. See also digestive system 312f, 436
active transport, 30^ erythrocytosis, 316^
ATP (adenosine triphosphate),^ erythropoietin, 436^
26 – 27, 8f^ Escherichia coli, 392, 446^
cellular, 62, 70f^ esophageal arteries, 335^
electron transport system,^ esophageal hiatus, 385^
64 – 66, 66f^ esophagus, 5, 11, 374, 375f, 376f,^
fermentation, 67^ 377, 377f, 385, 412f^
from food, 67–68, 68f–70f^ estrogen, 291, 461, 468^
glycolysis, 62–64, 63f^ ethmoid bone, 150^
mitochondria, 46^ ethmoid sinus, 410^
muscle contraction, 205, 204f,^ ethyl alcohol, 67^
205, 206f, 207^ eukaryotic cells, 39, 42–51, 42f–51f^
sources of, 25^ eustachian tubes, 266f, 266,^
storage of, 23^ 412, 412f^
energy levels, chemistry, 20 – 21, 20f eversion, 184, 186f
Enterobacter, 446 excretion, 434. See also urinary
enterostomal therapists, 399 system
Enterovirus, 224 exhalation, 418
environmental chemists, 33 exocrine glands, 97
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