Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Index (^521)
exophthalmia, 287 fetal circulation, 332 fungiform papillae, (^)
expiration, 418 fetus, 332, 471 379, 381f (^)
extension, 184, 185f fiber, dietary, 51 furuncle, 128, 129f (^)
extensor carpi, 215f, 216, 216f fibrin, 312 (^)
extensor digiti quinti proprius, 215f fibrinogen, 307, 312
extensor digitorum, 217f, 218, 220f, fibrinolysis, 313 (^)
221, 222f fibroblasts, 97 gallbladder, 5, 374, 375f, 376f, 377f, (^)
extensor digitorum communis, 222f fibrocartilage, 100, 101f 389, 389f, 390f, 393 (^)
extensor hallucis, 220f, 221, 222f fibromyalgia, 224 gallstones, 393 (^)
extensor pollicis, 217f, 218 fibrositis, 192 gametes, 76–80, 77f–79f (^)
external auditory meatus, fibrous pericardium, 325 gametogenesis, 80, 81f (^)
266f, 265 fibula, 147f, 167, 167f, 168f ganglia, 242 (^)
external iliac artery, 334f fight-or-flight hormones, gastric artery, 334f, 335 (^)
external iliac vein, 336f, 340 258, 289 gastric cancer, 397 (^)
external intercostal muscles, filiform papillae, 379, 381f gastric juice, 385 (^)
218, 419 fimbriae, 465 gastritis, 396 (^)
external jugular vein, 336f, 340 fingers, 217f, 218 gastrocnemius, 210f, 211f, 220f, (^)
external nares, 410, 411f, 412f flagella, 50–51, 50f 221, 222f (^)
external oblique, 210f, 218, flat bones, 145f, 146 gastroenterologists, 399 (^)
218f, 219f flexion, 184, 185f gastroesophageal reflux disease (^)
external occipital crest, 149, 149f flexor carpi, 216, 215f, 216f (GERD), 396– (^397)
external occipital protuberance, flexor digitorum, 217f, 218, 220f, gastroesophageal sphincter, 385 (^)
149, 149f 221, 221f, 222f gastrointestinal tract, 374, 375f, (^)
external os, 466 flexor digitorum sublimis, 215f 376f, 377f (^)
external respiration, 418 flexor hallucis, 220f, 221, genes. See also DNA (^)
external urinary sphincter, 221f, 222f (deoxyribonucleic acid) (^)
443, 443f flexor pollicis, 217–218, 217f defines, 71 (^)
eye, 172, 211, 214f, 258, 263–265, fluid mosaic pattern, 43 genetic disorders, 85 (^)
265f follicle-stimulating hormone inheritance of, 474 (^)
(FSH), 284 meiosis, 69, 76–80, 77f–79f, 83, (^)
fontanelle, 141 84f, 464 (^)
food bolus, 382, 384f mitosis, 68, 74–76, 75f, 80, (^)
facial bones, 150–152, 151f food poisoning, 395 83, 84f (^)
facial muscles, 211, 212f, 213f foramen, bone, 146 genetic counselors, 480 (^)
facial nerve, 253f, 260, 260f, foramen magnum, 149, 153f genetic engineers, 86 (^)
261f, 263 foramen of Monro, 253, 255f genital herpes, 475 (^)
FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide), foramina, 154 genital warts, 475 (^)
64, 65f forensic scientists, 107 germinal center, 353 (^)
falciform ligament, 389, 389f foreskin, 460 germinal epithelium, 461 (^)
fallopian tubes, 465– 466 fornix, 463f, 468 gerontologists, 86 (^)
false vocal cord, 413f, 414 fossae, bones, 146 gigantism, 171, 283 (^)
fascia, 7, 98, 98f, 200, 202f fovea centralis, 264 gingivae, 382, 383f (^)
fascicle, 200, 202f fractures, bones, 144 gingivitis, 193 (^)
fasciculi, 200, 202f Franklin, Rosalind, 70 gladiolus, 158 (^)
fats, 23, 67–68, 68f–70f, 378, 389 frontal bone, 148–149, 149f glands, 94 (^)
fauces, 412, 412f frontalis, 211, 211f, glandular epithelium, 97 (^)
feces, 392 212f, 213f glans, 469, 469f (^)
feedback loops, 13, 281 frontal lobe, 257 glans penis, 456f, 460– (^461)
feet, 169, 168f, 221, 220f, 222f frontal plane, 4f, 5 glaucoma, 272 (^)
female infertility, 477 frontal sinus, 410, 412f glenoid fossa, 160, 161f (^)
femoral artery, 334f, 336 frostbite, 130 gliding joint, 190, 188f (^)
femoral vein, 336f, 340 fructose, 22 globulin, 307 (^)
femur, 147f, 166, 166f, 184, 187, 218, functional residual capacity glomerular filtration, 440 (^)
219f, 220 (FRC), 425 glomerulonephritis, 444 (^)
fermentation, 62–64, 65f, 66– 67 fundus, 385, 386f, 387f, 466 glomerulus, 438, 439 (^)

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