humerus, 147f, 160, 162f, 184, 215,
215f, 216f^
humoral immunity, 358
hyaline cartilage, 100, 100f
hydrocortisone, 290
hydrogen bonds, 20
hydrogen ions, 31, 32, 433, 435, 441
hydroxyl group, 23
hymen, 469
hyoid bone, 150, 154, 154f, 379,
380f, 415f^
hyperextension, 184, 185f, 193
hyperopia, 272
hyperparathyroidism, 288
hypertension, 338
hyperthyroidism, 287, 294
hypertonic solution, 30
hypertrophy, 223 hypodermis,
hypoglossal nerve, 253f, 260, 260f,
26 1f^
hypoglycemia, 291
hypoparathyroidism, 288
hypophysis, 283– 285
hypothalamus, 10, 252 – 253, 252f,
255f, 256, 282f, 283,
284, 284f,^
hypothyroidism, 283
hypotonic solution, 30
H zone, 200
I bands, 200
ileocecal valve, 390, 390f
ileum, 390, 390f
iliac artery, 334f
iliacus, 218, 219f
iliac veins, 336f, 340
iliopsoas, 220f
iliotibial tract, 211f
ilium, 164, 165f, 166
immune system, 11, 11f, 307,
358 – 359, 359f. See
also^ lymphatic system^
immunoglobulins, 358 – 359, 359f
immunologists, 362
impetigo, 126, 127f
impotence, 476, 479 incisors,
382, 383f incompetent heart
valve, 339 incus, 150, 265–
266, 266f infarction, 314, 339
infectious disease specialists, 318
infectious mononucleosis, 316
inferior articular processes, 155
inferior meatus, 411
inferior mesenteric artery, 335
inferior position, 5, 4f
inferior vena cava, 328f, 329, 336,
336f, 436f^
infertility, 477
influen za, 422
infraspinatus, 211f, 215, 216f
infundibulum, 256, 283, 284f, 465
ingestion, 374
inhalation, 418
insertion, muscles, 209
inspiration, 418
inspiratory capacity (IC), 425
insula, 258
insulin, 13, 290–291, 291f, 386,
388f integumentary system
acne, 123 burns,
119, 120f^
defense mechanism, 361
disorders, 127–129, 128f–129f
functions of, 124–125, 130
hair, 118–122, 121f laboratory
exercise, 135 layers of skin,
113, 114f, 115f,^
116 – 118,
nails, 122, 122f
overview, 7, 9f
skin cancer, 125^
intercalated disks, 105
intercostal arteries, 335
intercostal trunk, 356, 356f
interleukin - 1, 360
interlobar arteries, kidney, 439
interlobar veins, kidney, 440
internal iliac artery, 336 internal
iliac vein, 336f, 340 internal
intercostal, 218 internal jugular
vein, 336f, 340 internal nares,
internal oblique, 218, 218f, 219f
internal os, 466
internal respiration, 418
internal urinary sphincter, 443, 443f
internuncial neurons, 239 interossei,
217f, 218, 222f interphase, 74, 74f
interstitial cells of Leydig, 455f, 457
interstitial fluid, 350, 354–357, 356f
interventricular foramen, 252 – 253,
252f, 255f^
interventricular septum, 327, 328f
intervertebral disks, 242–243, 244f
intestinal glands, 390
intestinal trunk, 356, 356f
intestines, 208, 374, 375f, 376f.
See also large intestine;
small intestine^
intramembranous ossification, 141
inversion, 184, 186f
involuntary muscle, 6
iodine, 287
ionic bonds, 20, 20f, 21–22ions, 20
iris, 263, 265f
iron, 311
iron-deficiency anemia, 315
irregular bones, 145f, 146
ischium, 164, 165f, 166
islets of Langerhans, 290, 291f,
386, 388f^
isoleucine, 24f
isometric contraction, 208
isotonic contraction, 208
isotonic solution, 30
isotopes, 18 – 19
isthmus, 466
jejunum, 390, 390f
joints. See also specific joint name
aging and, 196 amphiarthroses,
bursae, 190–191, 191f
diarthroses, 182–184, 182f, 182f
disorders of, 192–^193
health alert, 187 laboratory
exercise, 197 synarthroses,
181 – 182 synovial joints,
184 – 187, 184f, 186f
synovial membranes, 102
types of, 187–199, 188f, 189f^
jugular trunk, 356, 356f
jugular veins, 336f
keratin, 115, 116
keratinization, 115
adrenal glands, 288–289, 288f
anatomy of, 437–439, 437f–438f
hormones and, 258–286 kidney
stones, 288^
overview, 5, 11, 433–436,
436f urea metabolism, 22^
kidney stones, 444
killer T cells, 360