Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

524 Index (^)
kinetochore, 75 larynx, 11, 410f, 412–414, 414f disorders, 420– (^423)
Klebsiella, 446 lateral position, 5 overview, 5, 11, 411f, 415f (^)
Klinefelter’s syndrome, 85 latissimus dorsi, 211f, 215, lunula, nails, 122, 122f (^)
knee, 167, 167f, 187, 189f, 191f, 220, 215f, 216f luteinizing hormone (LH), 285, 468 (^)
220f, 221f left colic (splenic) flexure, 391, 391f luteinizing hormone-releasing (^)
knee-jerk reflex, 241–242, 242f left common carotid artery, 335 hormone, 468 (^)
Krebs citric acid cycle, 62, 64, left external carotid artery, 335 lymph, 350, 354–357, 356f (^)
65f, 66 left gastric artery, 335 lymphadenitis, 363 (^)
Kupffer’s cells, 102, 389 left internal carotid artery, 335 lymphangitis, 363 (^)
kyphosis, 155, 159f left primary bronchus, 415, 415f lymphatics, 363 (^)
left subclavian artery, 335 lymphatic system (^)
Legionnaire’s disease, 422 aging, 362 (^)
lens, 263, 265f careers related to, 362 (^)
labia majora, 463f, 469–470, leucine, 4f disorders of, 355, 363–365, 366 (^)
469f leucoplasts, 51 immunity, 358 (^)
labia minora, 463f, 469–470, leukemia, 315 laboratory exercise, 371 (^)
469f leukocytes, 102, 305, 306, 306f, 307f, lymphatic vessels, 349–354, (^)
labor, 473 308f, 310 350f–354f (^)
Laboratory Exercises levator labii superioris, 211, 213f, lymph circulation, 354–357, 356f (^)
articular system, 197 214f organs of, 357– (^358)
blood, 321 levator scapulae, 213, 213f, 214f overview, 11, 12f, 349, 350f (^)
cardiovascular system, 346– 347 Levine, P. A., 69 lymph capillaries, 351, 352f, 353f (^)
cell structure, 56– 59 ligaments, 98, 99f, 138, 183, 382, 354 – (^357)
cellular metabolism, 91 383f lymphedema therapists, 362 (^)
cellular reproduction, 91 line, defined, 146 lymph glands, 353 (^)
chemistry of life, 37 linea alba, 210f lymph nodes, 11, 353, 354f, 355f, , (^)
digestive system, 403– 407 lingual frenulum, 379, 380f 363, 365 (^)
endocrine system, 302– 303 lingual tonsils, 350, 412f lymph nodules, 353 (^)
integumentary system, 135 lipids, 23–24, 378 lymphocytes, 307, 308, 310, 350f (^)
lymphatic system, 371 lips, 263, 377–379, 381f lymphoid organs, 102 (^)
muscular system, 231 liver lymphoid tissue, 102 (^)
nervous system, 249, ammonia metabolism, 22 lymphokines, 360 (^)
reproductive system, 487– 488 disorders, 384 lymphoma, 363 (^)
respiratory system, 430– 431 hepatic portal circulation, 332 lymph plexuses, 354 (^)
skeletal system, 179 overview, 5, 11, 13, 374, 375f, lymph sinuses, 353 (^)
tissues, 111 376f, 377f, 389, 389f lymph tissue, 102f (^)
urinary system, 451 reticuloendothelial system, 102 lymph trunks, 355 (^)
lab technicians, 33 lobar bronchi, 415, 415f lymph vessels, 5, 11, 351f (^)
lacrimal bones, 151, 151f lobules, lung, 417 lysine, 4f (^)
lacrimal glands, 263, 361 long bones, 145, 145f lysosomes, 46–47, 46f, 53 (^)
lactation, 470 longitudinal fissure, 257 lysozyme, 310, 361, 382 (^)
lacteal, 350, 351f longitudinal section, 5 (^)
lactic acid, 67 loops of Henle, 437
lactiferous ducts, 470, 470f lordosis, 155, 159f (^)
lactiferous sinuses, 470, 470f Lou Gehrig’s disease, 223 macrophages, 97, 310, 355, (^)
lactogenic hormone, 285 lower esophageal sphincter, 385 360, 364 (^)
lacunae, 100, 144 lumbar arteries, 335 macule, 128, 129f (^)
lambdoid suture, 149, 149f lumbar trunk, 356, 356f magnesium, 440 (^)
lamellae, 51, 143– 144 lumbar vertebrae, 155 major calyces, 437 (^)
laminae, 155 lumen, arteries, 33 malar bones, 151, 151f (^)
lamina propria, 376 lunate, 163, 164f malaria, 316 (^)
large intestine, 5, 11, 374, 375f, 376f, lung cancer, 420 malic acid, 64, 65f (^)
377f, 391–392, 392f lungs malignant melanoma, 125, 125f (^)
laryngitis, 421 anatomy of, 410–412, 417f, 418f malleus, 150, 266, 266f (^)
laryngopharynx, 412, 412f capacity of, 425 mamillary gland, 256 (^)

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