Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

526 Index (^)
myopia, 272 neural arch, 155 olfactory nerve, 253f, 259–260, (^)
myosin, 200, 202f, 203f, 207f neurofibril nodes, 237 260f, 261f (^)
myositis, 223 neurofibrils, 237 oligodendroglia, 235–236, 236f (^)
myxedema, 287 neuroglia, 102 oliguria, 445 (^)
neurolemmocytes, 235 oncologists, 362 (^)
neurons, 106, 106f, 202–207, onychocryptosis, 128, 128f (^)
203f–207f, 235–239, 237f onychomycosis, 128, 128f (^)
NAD (nicotinamide adenine neurosurgeons, 267 oocyte, 462, 464 (^)
dinucleotide), 63, 63f neurotransmitters, 241, 258 oogenesis, 80, 82f, 462f, 464, 465f (^)
nails, 7, 122, 122f, 124 neutrons, 18 oogonia, 464 (^)
nasal bones, 150, 151f neutrophils, 306, 306f, 310, opponens pollicis, 217f, 218 (^)
nasal cavities, 11, 410, 410f 312f, 358 opposition, 184, 186f (^)
nasal septum, 410 night blindness, 265 opsin, 265 (^)
nasolacrimal ducts, 410 nipple, 470, 470f optic chiasma, 256 (^)
nasopharynx, 41, 384, 384f, 410f Nissl bodies, 236 optic disk, 265 (^)
navicular, 163, 164f, 168, 168f nodes of Ranvier, 237, 239 optic nerve, 253f, 259, 260f, 261f, (^)
neck, bone, 146 nongranular leukocytes, 306, 308f 264, 265f (^)
negative feedback loop, 13, 81 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 363 optic tracts, 256 (^)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 474 nonpolar molecules, 44 oral cancer, 397 (^)
neonatalists, 480 noradrenaline, 289 oral cavity, 374, 375f, 376f, 377–379, (^)
nephrologists, 447 norepinephrine, 234, 234f, 241, 377f, 380f (^)
nephrons, 437–441, 437f–440f 289, 440 orbicularis oculi, 210f, 212f, 213f (^)
nervous system nose, 261, 262f, 410–412, 411f, 412f orbicularis oris, 210f , 211, 212f, (^)
aging and, 267 nostrils, 410, 412f 213f (^)
autonomic nervous system, nuclear medicine technologists, orbital margin, 149, 149f (^)
258, 259f 296 orbitals, atomic, 19 (^)
brain, parts of, 252–253, 252f, 256f nuclear membrane, 44–46, 45f, 46f orbits, 150 (^)
brainstem, 253, 254f, 254 nucleic acid, 24f, 25–26, 69. See organelles, 6, 39, 40f (^)
careers related to, 267 also DNA (deoxyribonucleic organic chemistry, 18 (^)
cerebellum, 58, 256f acid); RNA (ribonucleic organic chemists, 33 (^)
cerebrum, 256f, 257–258, 257f acid) organism, 8f, 9f (^)
cranial nerves, 258–260, nucleolus, 45– 46 organs, organization of, 5, 8f, 9f (^)
260f, 261f nucleoplasm, 40, 45 origin, muscles, 209 (^)
diencephalon, 256– 257 nucleotides, 25–26, 27f, 71 oropharynx, 374, 375f, 376f, 382, (^)
disorders, 268– 271 nucleus, 44–46, 45f, 46f, 47f, 235, 384f, 412f, 412 (^)
hearing and equilibrium, 237f, 242 orthopedists, 170 (^)
265 – 266, 266f nurse anesthetists, 267 orthotist, 170 (^)
laboratory exercise, 249, 277 nurse practitioners, 480 osmosis, 28–30, 29f, 31f (^)
nervous impulse, physiology of, nurses, 130 osseus tissue, 102f (^)
239 – 241, 240f, 241f nutrition. See digestive system ossification, 141 (^)
nervous tissue, 6, 106, 106f, 242 nutritionists, 86, 399 osteoarthritis, 192 (^)
neuroglia cells, 235, 236f osteoblasts, 139 (^)
neurons, 106, 106f, 202–207,
osteoclasts, 140 (^)
203f–207f, 235–239, 237f osteocytes, 101 (^)
organization, 233–235, 234f obstetricians, 480 osteomalacia, 144 (^)
overview, 5, 7, 9f obturator externus, 219f osteon, 143 (^)
reflex arc, 241–242, 242f obturator foramen, 166 osteopathic medicine, 225 (^)
sight, sense of, 263–265, 265f occipital bone, 149, 149f, 153f osteoporosis, 170 (^)
smell, sense of, 261–263, 261f occipital condyle, 149, 153f osteoprogenitor cells, 139 (^)
spinal cord, 242–243, 244f occipitalis, 211, 211f, 212f, 213f otitis media, 271 (^)
spinal nerves, 243–244, 245f occipital lobe, brain, 258 otorhinolaryngologist, 426 (^)
synaptic transmission, 241, 241f oculomotor nerve, 253f, 259–260, ova, 461 (^)
taste, sense of, 263, 264f 259f, 260f oval window, 266f, 266 (^)
transmission, impulses, 22 olecranon process, 162, 163f ovarian cancer, 477 (^)
urinary system, 439– 440 olfaction, 261, 262f, 410 ovarian cycle, 466 (^)

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