respiration. See also respiratory
anaerobic, 66– 67
cells, 28, 46
cellular, 62, 70f^
muscles of, 218, 218f
process of, 418–419, 419f,^
424, 424f
regulation of, 254
water and, 21^
respiratory bronchioles, 417, 417f
respiratory distress syndrome, 421
respiratory membrane, 417
respiratory system
aging and, 425 bronchi,
415, 416f careers related
to, 426 disorders, 416,
420 –^423
laboratory exercise, 430– 431
larynx, 412–414, 413f, 414f
lung capacity, 425^
lungs, 416–418, 417f, 418f
muscles of, 218, 218f nose,
410 – 412, 411f, 412f^
overview, 11, 11f, 409–410,
411f pharynx, 412^
regulation of, 254 respiration
process, 418–419,^
419f, 424, 424f trachea,
414 – 415, 415f respiratory
therapists, 426 rest and
repose system, 258^
resting potential, 203–204, 203f, 239
rete testis, 458
reticular formation, 254 reticular
portion, dermis, 118 reticular
tissue, 97, 98 reticuloendothelial
cells, 350f reticuloendothelial
system, 102 retina, 263, 265f
retinal, 265 retraction,
184, 185f Reye’s
syndrome, 270
Rh blood group, 314, 317
rheumatic fever, 192, 337
rheumatic heart disease, 337
rheumatoid arthritis, 192
rhodopsin, 265
RhoGAM, 317
rhomboids, 210f, 211f, 213, , 214f
ribose, 22
ribosomes, 47f, 48, 46, 48, 235, 237f
ribs, 147f, 154, 159, 160f, 161f, 41 9
rickets, 144
right colic flexure, 391, 391f
right common carotid artery, 334
right common iliac vein, 334f
right lymphatic duct, 353
right primary bronchus,
415, 416f^
right subclavian artery, 334f, 335
rigor mortis, 223
ringworm, 126
RNA (ribonucleic acid), 24f, 25–26,
44, 45, 47, 48, 48f^
rods, 263, 265f root,
hair, 119, 121f
root canals, teeth, 382
rotation, 184, 185f
rough endoplasmic reticulum, 47,
47f, 236, 237f^
round ligament, 463f
round window, 266f, 266
rugae, 385
sacral vertebrae, 155
sacrum, 147f, 155 saddle
joint, 188, 188f sagittal
plane, 4f, 5 sagittal
suture, 149, 149f saliva,
salivary glands, 11, 263, 374, 375f,
376f, 377f, 380–382, 381f^
SA node, heart, 330, 331f
sarcolemma, 200, 202f
sarcomas, 83 sarcomere,
200 sarcoplasmic
200, 202f^
sarcotubular system, 200–201, 202f
sartorius, 210f, 220, 220f, 221f
saturated fatty acids, 23
scaphoid, 163, 164f scapula,
147f, 160, 161f, 184
Schleiden, Matthias, 42
Schwann, Theodor, 42
Schwann cells, 235, 237
sclera, 263, 265f
scoliosis, 155, 159f
scrotum, 454, 456
seasonal affective disorder, 293
sebaceous glands, 7, 122–123, 361
sebum, 122, 130, 361
secondary bronchi, 415, 416
secondary spermatocytes, 455
secondary structure, proteins,
24, 25f^
segmental bronchi, 415, 416f
selectively permeable
membrane, 28^
semen, 460
semicircular canals, 266f, 266
semimembranosus, 221f
seminal duct, 459
seminal fluid, 460 seminal
plasmin, 460 seminal
vesicles, 12, 455f,
456f, 460
seminiferous tubules, 454,
455f, 456f
semitendinosus, 211f, 220,
220f, 221f^
hearing and equilibrium,
265 – 266, 266f^
sight, 263–265, 265f
smell, 261–263, 262f,
410 taste, 263, 264f^
touch, 124^
sensory neurons, 239,
241 – 242, 242f^
sensory structures, 7, 124, 239
septal defect, 338 septicemia,
septum, deviation, 172
serine, 24f
serotonin, 241, 295, 310
serous pericardium, 325, 326, 327f
serous tissue, 97
serratus anterior, 213, 213f,
214f, 219f^
Sertoli cells, 457 sesamoid
bones, 145f, 146
sexual intercourse, 468, 471
sexually transmitted disease, 471,
474 – 475
shaft, hair, 119, 120f
shingles, 126
short bones, 145f, 146
shoulder girdle, 210f,
213, 214f^
shoulder joint, 184 sickle-cell
anemia, 315 sight, sense of,
263 – 265, 265f sigmoid colon,
391, 362f simple cell
arrangement, 94 simple
exocrine glands, 97
sinoatrial node, heart, 330, 331f
sinus, bone, 146
sinuses, 148f
sinusitis, 172
skeletal muscle, 7, 104–106, 105f,
200 – 201, 202f, 209– 210