Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

530 Index (^)
skeletal system spine, bone process, 146 subtendinous bursae, 191 (^)
aging and, 169 spinous process, 155 succinic acid, 64, 65f (^)
appendicular skeleton, 159–169, spleen, 5, 11, 102, 350f, 351f, 357– sucrose, 23 (^)
160f–159f 358, 366 sudden infant death syndrome (^)
axial skeleton, 147–159, 148f–159f splenic anemia, 367 (SIDS), 422 (^)
bone classification, 145–146, 145f splenic artery, 334f, 335, 357 sulci, 257 (^)
bone growth and formation, splenic vein, 336f, 357 sulcus, 146 (^)
138 – 142, 139f–142f splenomegaly, 366 sulfate, 433, 440 (^)
bone markings, 146 spongy bone, 143f, 144 sulfur, 24 (^)
careers, 170 spongy urethra, 460 superior articular processes, 155 (^)
disorders of, 144, 170– 172 sprains, 193 superior meatus, 411 (^)
foot arches, 179, 179f squamous cell carcinoma, 125, 125f superior mesenteric artery, 335 (^)
histology of bone, 142–143, 143f squamous cells, 97 superior nasal conchae, 261, 262f (^)
laboratory exercise, 179 squamous epithelial cells, 95 superior position, 4f, 5 (^)
overview, 7, 9f, 138 stapes, 150, 265–266, 266f superior vena cava, 325, 326f, (^)
Skene’s gland, 469 starch, 22 328f, 329 (^)
skin. See integumentary system stem cells, 308 supination, 184, 186f (^)
skull, 147f stenosed heart valve, 338 supinator, 215f, 217, 217f (^)
slipped disk, 193 stents, coronary artery, 340 suppressor T cells, 360 (^)
small intestine, 7, 11, 351f, 374, sternocleidomastoid, 210f, 211f, supraorbital ridge, 149, 149f (^)
375f, 376f, 377f, 378, 386, 212, 212f–214f suprarenal glands, 289–290, 289f (^)
387f, 390–391, 390f, 391f sternum, 147f, 154, 158, supraspinatus, 215, 216f (^)
smell, sense of, 261–263, 262f, 410 160f–161f, 419 surfactant, 417 (^)
smooth endoplasmic reticulum, steroid hormones, 282, 283 sutural bones, 150 (^)
47, 47f steroids, 23 suture, bone, 146 (^)
smooth muscle, 7, 104–106, 104f, stirrup, 150, 265–266, 266f suture, joints, 181 (^)
200, 258 stomach, 7, 11, 374, 375f, 376f, 377f, swallowing, 382, 384f, 386f (^)
snoring, 224 386f, 386, 387f, 388 sweat, 130 (^)
sodium, 22, 239, 433, 440 straight tubules, 458 sweat glands, 7, 123, 258 (^)
sodium-potassium pump, 203f, strata, epidermis, 116 sympathetic nervous system, 234, (^)
205, 239 stratified cell arrangement, 94– 95 234f, 258, 259 (^)
soft palate, 377–379, 380f stratum basale, 116, 117 symphysis, defined, 182 (^)
soleus, 210f, 211f, 220f, 221f, 222f stratum corneum, 116, 117f symphysis pubis, 182, 463f (^)
solvents, 21 stratum germinativum, 116, synapsis, 79 (^)
somatic nervous system, 234, 234f 117f, 116 synaptic cleft, 241, 241f (^)
speech sounds, 410, 412 stratum granulosum, 116, 117f synarthroses, 181–182, 189f (^)
spendoid sinus, 412f stratum lucidum, 116, 117f synchondroses, 182 (^)
sperm, 50 stratum spinosum, 116, 117f syndesmosis, 181 (^)
spermatic cord, 459 Streptococcus, 337, 365 syneresis, 313 (^)
spermatids, 455 stress, 293 synergists, 210 (^)
spermatocytes, 455 striated muscle, 104–106, 105f, synovial fluid, 183– (^184)
spermatogenesis, 80, 81f, 454 200 – 201, 201f synovial joints, 184–187, 182f, 185f, (^)
spermatogonia, 454 structural units, 6–12, 8f, 9f 186f, 189f (^)
spermatozoa, 457, 459 styloid process, 150 synovial membranes, 102 (^)
sphenoidal sinus, 410 subarachnoid space, 242, 252–253, syphilis, 475 (^)
sphenoid bone, 149 252f, 255f systemic circulation, 330f, 331– (^332)
sphincter of oddi, 386f subclavian artery, 334 systemic lupus erythematosus (^)
spina bifida, 171 subclavian trunk, 356, 356f (SLE), 365 (^)
spinal cavity, 5, 6f subclavian vein, 336f, 340 systole, 331 (^)
spinal column, 154, 184 subcutaneous bursae, 190, 191f (^)
spinal cord, 5, 6f, 10, 242–243, 244f subdural space, spinal cord, 242
spinal meninges, 242 subfascial bursae, 190 (^)
spinal nerves, 243–244, 244f sublingual gland, 380, 381f talus, 168, 168f (^)
spinal tap, 244 submandibular gland, 380, 381f tapeworm infections, 396 (^)
spindle fibers, 75 submaxillary gland, 380, 381f tarsals, 147f, 165, 166,- 168f (^)

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