Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Index (^531)
taste, sense of, 261, 263, 264f, thyroid cartilage, 412–413, 413f trigeminal nerve, 253f, 260, 260f, (^)
379, 380f thyroid gland, 286, 287f 262f (^)
Tay-Sachs disease, 85 thyroid hormone, 330 trigone, 443, 443f (^)
teachers, 33 thyroid-stimulating hormone triiodothyronine, 287 (^)
tears, 263, 360 (TSH), 282f, 284, 287 triquetral, 162, 164f (^)
teeth, 101, 374, 375f, 376f, 382,- 383, thyrotropin-releasing hormone trochanter, defined, 146 (^)
383f, 384 (TRH), 284 trochlea, defined, 146 (^)
telophase, 76, 80 thyroxine, 287 trochlear nerve, 253f, 260, 260f, 261f (^)
temperature, body, 13, 130 tibial vein, 3367 tropomyosin, 204, 204f (^)
temporal bones, 148, 147f, 149f tibia, 147f, 176, 167f, 168f, 210f troponin, 204, 204f (^)
temporalis, 212, 210f, 212f, tibial arteries, 336f true vocal cords, 412f, 413, 413f (^)
212f, 213f tibialis anterior, 210f, 221, 220f, 221f tryptophan, 24f (^)
temporal lobe, brain, 257 tibialis posterior, 220, 221f, 222f T system tubules, 200–201, 202f (^)
tendinitis, 223 tissues tubercle, defined, 146 (^)
tendons, 98, 99f, 138, 209 connective, 97–104, 98f–103f tuberculosis (TB), 423 (^)
tendon sheaths, 7 epithelial, 94–99, 95f, 96f tubular reabsorption, 441 (^)
tennis elbow, 187 laboratory exercise, 110– 111 tubular secretion, 441 (^)
tensor fasciae latae, 210f, 218, muscle tissue, 104–106, 104f, 105f tubulin, 50, 74 (^)
219f, 220f nervous tissue, 106, 106 tumor necrosis factor (TNF), 360 (^)
teres major, 211f organization of, 8f, 9f tumors, 83 (^)
teres minor, 211f, 215, 216f T lymphocytes, 310, 312, 350f, 358, tunica adventitia, 332, 333f (^)
terminal bronchioles, 415, 415f 359, 366 tunica albuginea, 454 (^)
tertiary bronchi, 415, 415f tongue, 374, 375f, 376f, 379, 380f tunica intima, 332, 333f (^)
tertiary structure, proteins, 25, 26f tonsillitis, 365 tunica media, 332, 333f (^)
testes, 10, 12, 76, 291, 454, 455f, 456f tonsils, 350f, 351f, 357– 358 tunica mucosa, 375, 377 (^)
testosterone, 285, 291, 457– 458 torso, 154–158, 154f–158f tunica muscularis, 375, 377 (^)
tetanus, 224, 269 total lung capacity (TLC), 425 tunica serosa, 375, 377, 380f (^)
tetrad, 79 touch, sense of, 124 tunica submucosa, 375, 377 (^)
tetraiodothyronine, 287 trabeculae, 144, 353 tunics, 380f (^)
thalamus, 252–253, 252f, 255f, trabeculae carneae, 329, 330f turbinates, 151f, 152 (^)
256 – 257 trachea, 5, 11, 411f, 412f, 414–415, twitch, muscle, 207–208, 207f (^)
thalassemia, 315 415f, 416 tympanic membrane, 265, 266f (^)
thermoregulation, 125 tracheostomy, 415 tympanic plate, 150 (^)
thoracic aorta, 334, 334f, 335 tract, nervous tissue, 242 tyrosine, 24f (^)
thoracic cavity, 5, 6f, 152f transcription, 48 (^)
thoracic duct, 353, 356, 356f transfer RNA, 25–26, 24f, 48, 48f
thoracic surgeons, 426 transfusions, blood, 314 (^)
thoracic vertebrae, 155 transitional epithelium, 96 ulcers, stomach, 388 (^)
thorax, 147f, 158, 417 translation, 49, 49f ulna, 147f, 162, 163f (^)
thrombin, 312, 389 transverse colon, 391, 391f ulnar artery, 334f, 335 (^)
thrombocytes, 305, 306f, 307, transverse plane, 4–5, 4f ulnar vein, 336f, 340 (^)
307f, 311 transverse processes, 155 umbilical cord, 471 (^)
thrombocytopenia, 316 transverse section, 5 unipolar neurons, 238 (^)
thromboplastin, 313 transversus abdominis, 218, unsaturated fatty acids, 23 (^)
thrombosis, 314 218f, 219f uracil, 26, 27f (^)
thrombus, 314 trapezium, 163, 164f urea, 22, 433, 440 (^)
thronine, 24f trapezius, 209, 210f, 211f, uremia, 445 (^)
thrush, 395 213f, 214f ureters, 12, 433, 436f, 437, 437f, (^)
thumb, 217–218, 217f trapezoid, 163, 164f 442 – 443, 442f, 456f (^)
thylakoid, 51 Treponema pallidum, 475 urethra, 12, 433, 436f, 443, 443f, (^)
thymine, 26, 27f, 69, 71, 71f–73f triacylglycerols, 23, 23f 445f, 456f, 459, 463f, (^)
thymosin, 294 triceps brachii, 211f, 215f, 216 469 – 470, 469f (^)
thymus gland, 5, 11, 297, 351f, Trichomonas, 474 urethral orifice, 463f, 469 (^)
357 – 358 tricuspids, teeth, 382, 383f uric acid, 440 (^)
thyroid, 10 tricuspid valve, 329 urinary incontinence, 445 (^)

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