Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Cell Structure 59


Cell Structure continued

replaced by new cells. Therefore, these cells
usually come off the cheek in masses.^

  1. Under low power of the microscope, scan
    your slide until you find individual cells.

(^) Now turn to high power. Notice the cells
are flat and irregular in shape. Locate the
nucleus, the nucleolus, the nuclear mem-
(^) brane, the cytoplasm, and the cell mem-
(^) brane. The dark granules in the cytoplasm
are probably mitochondria. You may also
(^) see some vacuoles.
B. Plant Cells

  1. Cut an onion into quarters; with forceps, strip
    a piece of thin epidermis from the inside of
    one of the leaves of the onion bulb. Make a
    wet mount by placing it in a drop of water; try
    to avoid folding of the epidermal tissue.

  2. Compare this to the human epithelial cell.
    These plant cells have rigid cell walls, easily
    observable under low power. Switch to high
    power and observe the light nucleus with
    a number of nucleoli. Notice the large cell
    vacuole and clear cytoplasm. There are no
    chloroplasts in the onion bulb.

  3. Take a young leaf from the top of an aquatic
    Elodea or Cabomba plant and make a wet
    mount of it to observe large green chloro-
    plasts in the cells of this plant. Notice the
    large number of chloroplasts in the cyto-
    plasm of the cells under low power. There
    are so many chloroplasts that any other

C.^ Living Single-Celled Animal:^
Make a wet mount of Paramecium by putting a
drop of the culture (supplied by your instructor)
onto a microscope slide covered with a glass cover
slip. Paramecium is a single-celled ciliate animal
(Figure 3-16). Examine your slide under low
power because the Paramecia are large and
actively swim in the watery medium. Observe the
animal’s structures, especially the beating cilia
seen around the edge of the cell membrane, the
large macronucleus, and the oral groove.

Food vacuole^

Oral groove


cellular contents are obscured. In young
leaves, the cytoplasm streams; thus, the
chloroplasts will be moved in a current
within the cell. Again note the rigid cell wall
made of cellulose. The cell membrane is
pushed up against the cell wall, so it is not


vacuole (^) Anal
(^) ®
Cengage ©
visible as a separate entity.
Figure 3- 16 The structure of a

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