A wrap around design to increase the contact area with the back, providing total
support and enhanced comfort. This helps maintain the ‘S’ curve of the spine.
Your back must have full contact with the backrest. This supports the ‘S’ curve of
the spine, evenly distributing the load on it
Adjustable seat height helps keep the thighs parallel to the floor. While sitting,
the knees should be a little higher than the hip. Backrest height adjustment to
suit every individual helps position the lumbar curve to support the back. Feet
must be flat, lightly resting on the floor. This reduces pressure on the knees and
feet. If you are seated on a chair that does not have an adjustable height seat and
your feet do not reach the floor, use a low stool or footrest to put the feet on.
A waterfall edged seat increases the area of contact with the thighs, thus relieving
the pressure in the area behind the knees, ensuring proper blood circulation. The
seat should not exceed two-thirds of the length of the thigh
A lumbar support in the form of a gradual lumbar curve to support the lower
back. On ordinary chairs or car seats, put a small pillow or rolled towel behind
the lower back to help relieve pressure while either sitting or driving.
An appropriate foam density that adapts to the differential weight exerted by
human body on the seat and back of the chair
Adjustable arm rest to take the weight off the shoulders and arms thus reducing
the pressure on the spine. Shoulders must be relaxed and your arms must hang
naturally. This reduces pressure on your back. Elbows and hands must rest
comfortably on the arms of the chair or work surface preventing shoulder pain.
When you get up from a chair, use the arms to help you stand up. This reduces
the pressure on your back.
The seat angle must slope slightly backwards keeping the user from slipping
forward when seated in an upright position. The angle behind the knees and the
angle of your back to the seat must be greater than 90 degrees. Your body is at its
comfortable best when closer to the horizontal position. This reduces the
pressure on the spine, abdomen and legs