Say Goodbye to Back Pain

(mdmrcog) #1
Correct sitting posture for reading or writing

The arms should hang at your sides. If your computer keyboard is too high or too far
away the arms have to be kept raised or extended, resulting in tense shoulder and upper
back muscles and back pain.

The top of the computer screen should be just below eye level. When reading, place the
material on an angle; don't place the reading material flat on a desk or your lap. Leaning
your head over for prolonged periods of time strains your neck muscles.

Proper Posture While Lying Down

Supporting the spine in its natural alignment while sleeping is important to let the back
muscles fully relax and to avoid overextending the muscles, ligaments and spinal joints.
A supportive and comfortable mattress is important and using a pillow (between the
knees for side sleepers, under the knees for back sleepers, or under the hips for stomach
sleepers) can also help take stress of the spine.

Lying on side with knees bent - pillow between knees for support: Lying on
your side with the knees bent helps counteract a sway back and can relieve back pain.
Using a pillow between the knees helps prevent twisting of the spine.

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