Say Goodbye to Back Pain

(mdmrcog) #1

Neck support

The pillow supports the neck by filling the space between the head and shoulders. The
pillow should not force your head upward or allow it to fall downward, but should keep
it in a neutral position. The pillow should also feel comfortable. People who sleep on
their stomachs most of the time need a very low pillow.

Sleep on a good mattress

A good mattress will conform to the spine's natural curves and keep the spine in proper
alignment. An overly soft mattress allows the lower back to sink too far into the
mattress, which can strain the spinal joints. When lying on a saggy or too soft mattress,
the spine is thrown out of alignment. Prolonged attempts at keeping the spine in proper
alignment strains the back muscles, thus causing muscle spasm, and results in lower
back pain when you get up.

If the mattress is too firm there will be gaps between the inward curves of the body and
the mattress that leave parts of the back unsupported. Pressure points will be created on
the parts on the body that has contact with the mattress, as there is less area to
distribute the weight of the body.

The solution is to get a relatively firm mattress with enough cushioning for comfort.
There must be enough cushioning to distribute the weight of the body and eliminate
pressure points. If you already own a bed that is overly firm, adding a good quality foam
topper may be enough.

A mattress wears out gradually - springs and foam gradually lose their ability to recover
height - resulting in a gradual loss of support and comfort. Sleeping on a new mattress
may improve sleep and reduce back pain and stiffness.

Because a mattress wears out gradually, you may not realize that it may need
replacement till you have a substantial increase in aches and pain upon awakening.
Even if a mattress does not appear to be worn out, there is a gradual loss of support and

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