Begin with low stress aerobic activities to improve general stamina (walking, riding a
bicycle, swimming and jogging). Exercises to condition specific trunk muscles can be
added a few weeks later.
Begin slowly but be consistent
Poor posture doesn't happen overnight - and correcting doesn't either. Whenever you
start a new exercise program, don't try to do everything at once. Do the exercises listed
in this book. An exercise ball is an excellent device for increasing core muscle tone. Start
out with fewer repetitions and see how your body responds. Pain does not necessarily
mean a gain in fitness. Develop a set schedule for your exercise routine, rather than
subjecting your body to exercise intermittently. Don't forget to continue this regime
even when you travel.
Improper or excessive exercise may also increase one's chances for back pain. Improper
exercise instruction and inattention to body movements can lead to back trouble. For
example, a single jerky movement or incorrect use of exercise equipment (especially
weights and rowing machines) can cause serious back injuries. Hence do not overdo or
overstretch, because if you get muscle spasm, it will put you back by several weeks.
You Will See Results
Keeping fit with a back specific exercise plan is very effective for the prevention of
recurring back pain. Exercises for all the muscles that support the back, especially the
abs, are also important. It may take a couple of months, but if you stick with it, you will
see results. It is important to remember that even though you have a back problem now,
you will begin to feel better soon. Remember always that YOU are the most important
person in taking care of your back, NOT your orthopod, family doctor, relatives or