Say Goodbye to Back Pain

(mdmrcog) #1

The spine thus has four natural curves. Two are lordotic – bending backwards – and two
are kyphotic – bending forwards. The cervical and lumbar curves are lordotic. The
thoracic and sacral curves are kyphotic. These curves help to distribute mechanical
stress as the body moves.

A typical vertebra consists of:

  1. A large solid block of bone in the front called the vertebral body

  2. Two strong bony areas called pedicles connecting the vertebral body to an arch
    known as the vertebral arch

  3. The vertebral arch has several processes (bony projections):

The spinous process (projecting from the center of the vertebral
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The transverse processes (projecting from either side of the
vertebral arch) which serve as attachments for the muscles and
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 The articular processes that meet and interlock to link one
vertebra with the next. Each vertebra arch has four (two on top and
two below) articular processes. 
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