Non spinal complications – redness and pain in the eyes and blurring of vision and
decreased expansion of chest when breathing – suggest the diagnosis. The X-ray shows
a typical “bamboo spine” picture due to complete calcification of the intervertebral
ligaments and fusion of the spinal facet joints.
Diagnosis ankylosing spondylitis is often difficult in the early stages or mild cases. An X-
ray of the spine and sacroiliac joints is taken. Degenerative changes are usually first seen
in the sacroiliac joints. HLA testing is not of much value due to its high frequency in the
population but may give supporting evidence.
In some women, usually in the age group of 20 – 29, the cells lining the inside of the
womb may travel through the uterine tubes and deposit on various tissues and organs
during menstruation. These implants outside the womb are known as endometriosis.
Being live cells and finding a fertile medium (tissues and organs in the pelvis), these
cells embed and start to grow just like their counterparts inside the womb. They are
influenced by hormonal changes that occur in each menstrual cycle and grow rapidly
between periods and shed during each period with bleeding in the pelvic cavity. Since
blood is an irritant, this bleeding in the organs and tissues of the pelvic cavity can cause
severe pain, far more in excess than that normally felt during a period. Back pain is