Say Goodbye to Back Pain

(mdmrcog) #1

The very fact that you are reading this book is proof enough that you are not satisfied
with the truckloads of information on back pain available on the Internet, television,
newspapers and magazines.

Many of us go through life harbouring conditions without knowing what caused them
and how they should be managed. Back pain is no exception. A major advantage of
reading this book is that you will now know precisely why you have backache and how to
tackle it. You will be able to hold an intelligent, informed discussion with your therapist
or physician, review the different treatment options available and make the right

There are no holds barred in this book. Each treatment has been discussed and
dissected in full to appraise you of what is good for your back, which treatments are a
waste of time and money and which ones are positively harmful.

A major advantage of this book is that you can select the treatment and/ or management
based on an informed decision to suit YOU and YOUR condition. You can prepare an
action plan with the information given here that will be specific for your back pain. You
will be able to confront your pain directly and attack its root cause rather than suffering
in silence. You will be able to take preventive action to ensure that your back pain never
comes back. Once you understand what is causing your back pain, the flow chart
suggested in this book should enable you to take control of your back pain and GET RID

Go on and turn the page to get a better and healthier back and start a new pain-free life.

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