- Family involvement should be there at all times. You are unlikely to succeed if
people around you do not help you in your efforts. They should encourage you to
think positively, assist in housework, patch up domestic squabbles and make sure
you stick to your diet regime and time schedules for exercises and other activities.
So get your family behind you. - Exercise: You must improve your fitness and flexibility, build muscle strength
and correct your posture using the techniques described in this book. Do the
simple exercises first and increase both the number and duration over a period of
time. There is no specific time period in which the exercises have to be increased
but generally a week’s gap should be sufficient. Move on to do strengthening
exercises once the back pain reduces. A reduction in back pain is in itself a reward
for your efforts. - Goal setting on long and short term goals: You should set targets covering
work, leisure and social pursuits, and domestic duties. Short term goals usually
include increased sitting, standing and walking tolerances. Set baselines and rate
of increase as for exercises. - Pacing of activities: Have a regular schedule of activities and breaks. Do not
strain beyond your current physical capacity. Also, do not extend your rest
period disproportionately or indefinitely. Discipline is essential if you are
to succeed in your efforts. - Education sessions: Read this book again and again, especially the parts that
pertain to you and your type of pain. Try to understand why you are having pain
and what should be done about it. - Drug reduction: You must try to cut down and eliminate all pain related drugs.
Do not stop the medication abruptly. Discuss with you physician and plan out a
gradual reduction in dosage before stopping treatment. I am certain your
physician will be more than happy to assist you in this endeavour. Pain killers
should be taken only when the pain is unbearable and not for every twinge that
you feel. - Relaxation: Practice meditation for at least five to ten minutes daily. Meditation
is not a big deal. All you have to do is to sit or lie down in a quiet room, relax your
muscles, close your eyes and blank out all thoughts. Make sure your hands are