Say Goodbye to Back Pain

(mdmrcog) #1

General Thoughts on Exercises

Exercise is good because:

 ^ It makes you generally fit and feel good 
 ^ Releases natural chemicals known to reduce pain 

 ^ Improves coordination and control of movement 
 Builds fit muscles and stronger bones and ligaments 

It is important to start any exercise program slowly and to gradually build up the speed
and length of time that you do the exercise. Strengthening exercises for trunk muscles
are more mechanically stressful to the back than aerobic exercises. Such exercises are
not recommended during the first few weeks of symptoms although they may help later
to regain and maintain activity tolerance.

Exercises are definitely helpful in relieving back pain. The emphasis as far as back pain
is considered is on both stretching and strengthening exercises for the back. The
muscles that we are concerned with are the paraspinal (erector spinae and multifidus),
gluteus maximus, hamstrings and iliopsoas – all the muscles that we discussed in Part I

of this book.

Before we discuss the exercises, let me sound a few notes of caution.

Caution No. 1

I DO NOT recommend performing any of these exercises to the
point of exhaustion. Do not overexert yourself. If you have
shortness of breath or become fatigued, discontinue these
exercises immediately until you are rested enough to continue at
your own pace. You should do these exercises only till you feel

comfortably tired. Over-exertion or over-straining the muscles can in itself lead to
muscular spasm.


experience much

and do not

comfortably tired

Exercise only till
you are
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