Lesson Six: The Timeless Truths (Part I) Four Noble Truths

(bhcheah) #1
Light A Thousand Candles

A person loves fame, honor and praise because
they boost his ego. But fame, honor and praise
is like a lighted incense that soon bums itself up.
Grave regrets come to him who chases after
honors and public acclaim at the expense of the
way of Truth.

A man who chases after fame and wealth is like
a child who licks honey from the knife blade.
Lost in the sweetness of honey, he cuts his
tongue with the blade. He is like a man who
carries a torch against a strong wind the flame
will surely burn his hands and face.

The life of a candle will not be shortened by lighting a
thousand candles.

A person acts according to his thoughts and as a
result must face their reactions. If someone
abuses him, there is a temptation to take
re venge. Beware of such a response because
misfortune dogs the steps of one who gives way
to vengeance. It is like spitting against the wind
for it harms no one but oneself.

It is a good deed to cast away greed and to
cherish a mind of charity. Replace selfishness
with the earnestness of helping others. A
generous act always inspires another to do the
same, and so happiness is born.

The life of a candle willnot be shortened by
lighting a thousand candles happiness never
decreases when shared.

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to
one's family, to bring peace and harmony to all,
a person must first discipline and control his
mind. If the mind is controlled and kept on the
right path, no mud of greed will hinder one's
progress to Enlightenment.

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth,
virtue arises from good deeds, and wisdom
springs from a pure and tranquil mind. The light
of wisdom and virtue are needed to guide a
person safely through the maze of life.
Strive to remove allegoisticpride and humbly
accept the light of Dhamma. All the treasures of
the world, with all praises andhonors, are not
worth a fraction of wisdom and virtue.

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