- What is the sum of the odd integers from 35 to 85,
(A) 1 ,560
(B) 1,500
(Cl 1,240
(D) 1,120
(E) 1,100
The odd integers from 35 through 85 form an
ari thmetic sequence with first term 35 and each
subsequent term 2 more than the preceding term.
Thus the sum 35 + 37 + 39 + ... + 85 can be
found as follows:
1st term 35 = 35
2nd term 37 = (^35) + 1(2)
3rd term 39 = 35 + 2(2)
4th term 41 = 35 + 3(2)
26th term 85 = 35 + 25(2)
Sum = 35(26) + (1 + 2 + 3 + ...
= 35(26) + (25)(26)
See note below
= 910 + 650
= 1,560
Note that ifs= 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 25,
then 2s = (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 25 ) +
(25 + 24 + 23 + ... + 1 ), and so
2s = (1 + 25 ) + (2 + 24) + (3 + 23) +...+ (25 + 1)
= (25)(26). Therefore, s = (25)(26).
Alternatively, to determ血the number of odd
integers from 35 to 85, inclusive, consider that
3 of them (35, 37, and 39) have tens digit 3. Half
of the integers with tens digit 4 are odd, so 5 of
the odd integers between 35 and 85, inclusive,
have tens digit 4. Similarly, 5 of the odd integers
between 35 and 85, inclusive, have tens digit 5; 5
have tens digit 6; and 5 have tens digit 7. Finally,
3 have tens digit 8 (81, 83, and (^85) ),
and so the number of odd integers between 35
4.5 Answer Explanations
and 85, me ·1· usive , 1s 3 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 3 = 26.
Now, let S = 35 + 37 + 39 + ... + 85. Then,
S = 85 + 83 + 81 +...+ 35, and it follow s that
2S = (35 + 85) + (37 + 83) + (39 + 81) + ...
- (85 + 35 ) = (120)(26). Thus,
S = 35 + 37 + 39 + ... + 85 =(120)(26) = 1,560.
1h e correct answer 1s A.
- In a certain sequence, each term after the first term
is one-half the previous term. If the tenth term of the
sequence is between 0.0001 and 0.001, then the
twelfth term of the sequence is between
{A) 0.0025 and 0.025
(Bl 0.00025 and 0.0025
(C) 0.000025 and 0.00025
(D) 0.0000025 and 0.000025
(El 0.00000025 and 0.0000025
Let an represent the nth term of the sequence. It
is given that each term after the first term is—^1 the
previous term and that 0.0001 < a 10 < 0.001.
Th en f or a 11' 0.0001 <a < 0.001
2 11 2
or 0.00005 < a11 < 0.0005. For a 12 ,
0.00005 0.0005
< a 12 <
0.000025 < a 12 < 0.00025. Thus, the twelfth term
of the sequence is between 0.000025 and 0.00025.
Th e correct answer 1s C.
- A certain drive-in movie theater has a total of 17 rows
of parking spaces. There are 20 parking spaces in the
first row and 21 parking spaces in the second row. In
each subsequent row there are 2 more parking spaces
than in the previous row. What is the total number of
parking spaces in the movie theater?
(A) 412
(B) 544
(C) 596
(D) 632
(E) 692