GMAT Official Guide Quantitative Review 2019_ Book

(singke) #1
5.1 Test-Taking Strategies

If statement 1 is sufficient, then the answer must be A or D.

If statement 2 is not sufficient, then the answer must be A.

If statement 2 is sufficient, then the answer must be D.

If statement 1 is not sufficient, then the answer must be B, C, or E.

If statement 2 is sufficient, then the answer must be B.

If statement 2 is not sufficient, then the answer must be C or E.

If both statements together are sufficient, then the answer must be C.

If both statements together are still not sufficient, then the answer must be E.

Is Statement 1 Sufficient Alone?

Is Statement 2 Sufficient Alone? Is Statement 2 Sufficient Alone?

Are Statements 1 & 2
Sufficient Together?
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