HBR's 10 Must Reads 2019

(singke) #1

Contrasting approaches to corporate governance^

Shareholder centered

Company centered


Agency theory

Entity theory

Conception of the corporation

Legal fi ction; nexus of contracts; pool of capital

Legal entity; social and economic organism; purposeful organization

Origins of the corporation

Private agreement among property owners to pool and increase capital

Created by lawmakers to encourage investment in long-term, large-scale projects needed by society

Functions of the corporation

Maximize wealth for shareholders

Provide goods and services; provide employment; create opportunities for investment; drive innovation

Purpose of specifi c corporations

Maximize shareholder value

Business purpose set by the particular company’s board

Responsibilities to society

None (fi ctional entities can’t have responsibilities)

Fulfi ll business purpose and act as a good corporate citizen

Ethical standards

Unclear: whatever shareholders want, or obey law and avoid fraud or collusion

Obey law and follow generally accepted ethical standards

Role of shareholders

Principals/owners of the corporation with authority over its business

Owners of shares; suppliers of capital with defi ned rights and responsibilities
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