HBR's 10 Must Reads 2019

(singke) #1


Baidu, 117. See also hub fi rms
Barton, Dominic, 197–204
bathroom law controversy, 49, 50,
53, 62
Becton, Dickinson, 74, 79
Benioff , Marc, 48, 49, 50, 52, 55, 56,
Berni, Arrigo, 31
in performance reviews, 43, 44
racial, 37–45
unconscious, 37
big data, 20, 42, 75, 83
Blankfein, Lloyd, 51–52
Bloom, Nicholas, 19–35
boards of directors, 169, 170,
175–176, 187, 195
Boeing, 91
Bosch Rexroth, 91
bottlenecks, 76, 117–118, 129
Bower, Joseph L., 165–192
boycotts, 63–64. See also CEO
bright prospects, 178–180. See also
growth share matrix
Brock, David, 231
business- process redesign, 79–81

capital gains taxes, 196
caring cultural style, 138, 139, 142,
Carlson, Gretchen, 210, 218
cash cows, 178–180. See also growth
share matrix
Cathy, Dan, 50, 52
CEO activists, 47–65
eff ectiveness of, 53–55, 63–64
examples of, 50
implications for democracy of,
increasing numbers of, 47–49

and internal stakeholders, 63
issues for, 57–58, 61
motivations of, 49, 51
playbook for, 57–64
responses to, 58–61, 63–64
risks and rewards for, 54–57
tactics of, 48, 51–54
timing for, 61
change, responses to, 137–139. See
also corporate culture
chatbots, 73–74, 78
Chatterji, Aaron K., 47–65
Cheng, J. Yo- Jud, 133–164
Chick- fi l- A, 56. See also boycotts
chief executive offi cers (CEOs)
activism by, 47–65
in family- run fi rms, 30–31
and management practices, 34
China Mobile, 186
Cliff e, Sarah, 193–197
climate change, 52
cloud services, 122
coaching, augmented reality for,
cognitive distance, 89
cognitive engagement, 73–74
cognitive insight, 72–73
cognitive load, 89
cognitive technology. See artifi cial
intelligence (AI)
cognitive technology projects, 68
collaboration among fi rms, 125–126.
See also multiteaming
collectivism, 160
Comcast, 119
communication, with stakeholders,
company- centered governance
model, 182–191. See also
agency- based governance
competitive advantage, 19, 126–127
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