HBR's 10 Must Reads 2019

(singke) #1


Activism in action

Corporate leader Issue Action taken
Marc Benioff
CEO, Salesforce

Antidiscrimination In 2015, Benioff tweeted his opposition to
Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration
Act and suspended corporate travel to
the state; he later spoke out against
North Carolina’s bathroom bill and
developed a reputation for rallying other
business leaders to speak out.
Dan Cathy
CEO, Chick- fi l- A

Same- sex marriage In 2012, Cathy publicly opposed same-
sex marriage on a radio show; his
corporation’s foundation also donated to
anti- LGBTQ organizations.
David and Barbara
Cofounders, Hobby

Health care/
religious freedom

The Greens fi led a highly publicized
lawsuit in 2012 to oppose Aff ordable Care
Act– mandated birth control coverage.

Peter Lewis
Late chairman, Pro-
gressive Insurance


In 2011, Lewis wrote an opinion piece for
Forbes supporting decriminalization;
he also donated $3 million to marijuana
legalization campaigns.
John Mackey
CEO, Whole Foods

Health care In 2009, Mackey wrote an editorial criti-
cizing the Aff ordable Care Act.

Paul Polman
CEO, Unilever

Climate change Polman has delivered many public
speeches supporting government poli-
cies to address climate change.
Jim Rogers
Former CEO, Duke

Climate change In 1990, Rogers (as CEO of Public Service
Indiana, which eventually became part
of Duke Energy) testifi ed before Congress
in support of Clean Air Act amendments;
he later lobbied Congress to support
climate change legislation.
Hamdi Ulukaya
CEO, Chobani

Refugee crisis In 2014, Ulukaya pledged to donate
$2 million to refugees. He also hired refu-
gees to work at Chobani’s manufacturing
plants and wrote an op- ed for CNN in
support of refugees.

Source: Michael W. Toff el, Aaron K. Chatterji, and Julia Kelley, “CEO Activism (a),” Harvard
Business School Case 617-001, March 2017.

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