Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

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Many websites provide downloadable games, typically for pay, although
some titles are free. The following sites all have games available that will run
on Ubuntu, as of this writing.


Steam is a cross-platform entertainment platform. When you install it on
Ubuntu, you get access to a ton of games and other fun things. Some of them
are free, but most require you to pay. Using Steam has become the primary
method that most current Linux-based gamers use to find, install, and play

Steam has grown into the premier source for quality professional games on
Linux and for a lot of indie content as well. Steam is created by Valve
Software, usually referred to as just “Valve,” a well-established gaming
company with a great reputation because of games like Half-Life.

In 2013, Gabe Newell, the cofounder and managing director of Valve, said
that Linux is the future of gaming, despite its current minuscule share of the
market, and the Steam website proclaims Ubuntu as Steam’s favorite version
of Linux. Steam is Newell’s company’s means of pursuing that future.

To learn more about Valve and Steam, see www.valvesoftware.com and


GOG.com offers a collection of thousands of games that run on multiple
platforms, including Linux. The games are all DRM-free, which means that
no digital rights management is included, making free and open source
(FOSS) proponents happy. Take a look at https://www.gog.com/games.


The Humble store has a number of FOSS games for sale. The site is known
for its bundles, selling games for a much-cheaper-than-usual price when you
buy them in a package. To see options available, visit


This cross-platform site offers many Linux-compatible games. Visit

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