Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

(singke) #1
Managing    running programs—bg,    fg, kill,   killall,    nice,   ps,
pstree, renice, top, watch

Getting information—apropos,    cal,    cat,    cmp,    date,   diff,   df,
dir, dmesg, du, env, file, free, grep, head, info, last,
less, locate, ls, lsattr, man, more, pinfo, ps, pwd, stat,
strings, tac, tail, top, uname, uptime, vdir, vmstat, w, wc,
whatis, whereis, which, who, whoami
Console text editors—ed, jed, joe, mcedit, nano, red, sed, vim
Console Internet and network commands—bing, elm, ftp, host,
hostname, ifconfig, links, lynx, mail, mutt, ncftp,
netconfig, netstat, pine, ping, pump, rdate, route, scp,
sftp, ssh, tcpdump, traceroute, whois, wire-test

If you need to find full information for using the command, you can find that
information under the command’s man page.


https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal—The  Ubuntu
community help page for using the terminal
—The Ubuntu community help page for and overview of the Linux file
system tree
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo—An Ubuntu
community page explaining sudo, the philosophy behind using it by
default, and how to use it
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