Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

(singke) #1
DNS Records
Setting Up a DNS Server with BIND

Part V Programming Linux

40  Using   Programming Tools   for Ubuntu
Programming in C with Linux
Using the C Programming Project Management Tools Provided with
Building Programs with make

Using   the autoconf    Utility to  Configure   Code
Debugging Tools
Using the GNU C Compiler
Graphical Development Tools
Using the KDevelop Client
The Glade Client for Developing in GNOME
IDEs and SDKs
41 Using Ubuntu for Opportunistic Software Development
Version Control Systems
Managing Software Projects with Git
Managing Software Projects with Bazaar
Managing Software Projects with Subversion
Managing Software Projects with Mercurial
Introduction to Opportunistic Development
Ubuntu Make
Creating Snap Packages
Bikeshed and Other Tools
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