${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 4} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 1 65535
rservice 4}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 5} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 1 65535
rservice 5}
Most of these details are clear, but one is particularly interesting. There are
commercial and other sites that, if you visit them, will return your IP address.
This is easily accomplished several ways. Matthew chose to put the following
PHP in a file named myip.php on a server he owns, and he calls it directly:
Click here to view code image
$remote = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
echo $remote;
Doing this can help you not feel guilty about constantly hitting someone
else’s server for this information.
Finally, although you can run Conky from the command line at any time after
it is set up, to make it more convenient, many people choose to keep their
config files in their /home directory somewhere and then write a script with
the custom location. If you add a pause to the beginning of the script, you can
add the script to Startup Applications and have it come up after all your other
desktop processes are up and running. Here is a simple example:
Click here to view code image
sleep 45 &&
exec conky -d -c ~/conky/conkyrc &
Save it in /home/username/conky along with all your Conky config
files, make it executable, and then have the Startup Applications process call
it at bootup. Note that this way, you can also run more than one instance of
Conky at a time, perhaps having your regular instance in the upper right of the
screen and a weather instance or something else in a different location. The
possibilities are vast.
A lovely GUI program for creating and managing Conky configurations
exists, but it is not in the Ubuntu software repositories. If you are interested in
exploring it further, there is a PPA from which you can install Conky Manager
at https://launchpad.net/conky-manager. Installation directions and other
documentation are available from the maintainer’s website, at