Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

(singke) #1
the installer   media.  Internet    access  is  not required    but is  very    helpful and
also recommended. See
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements for a
more detailed list of requirements.

Installation Options

Ubuntu is made available in two main forms: the Desktop DVD and the
Server install DVD. (This list does not include derivative distributions like
Kubuntu or Lubuntu or less commonly used methods such as the network
install disk.) For most people, the Desktop DVD is what you want. The
Server install DVD can get a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP)
server up and running in about 20 minutes, but, as you learn in this book, all
these components are available to the Ubuntu default distribution. An ISO
image contains the entire contents of a CD or DVD in a single file that can be
used as if it were a CD or DVD and that can be burned to a physical CD or
DVD if desired; see Chapter 6, “Multimedia Applications,” to learn how to
burn CDs and DVDs in Ubuntu. You can find a list of the currently available
ISO images in a couple of places. The place that is best for most people to
download from is www.ubuntu.com/download, which includes a nice
graphical menu system and links to easy-to-read information and detailed
instructions. Those with more specific requirements, such as a desire to use
one of the official alternative Ubuntu versions, like Kubuntu or Lubuntu, can
find what they need by navigating the menus at cdimage.ubuntu.com.

Ubuntu has 10 official variants, called flavors, as follows:
Ubuntu Server
Ubuntu Budgie
Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu Kylin
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