course of action is to contact the maintainer to see if the maintainer is aware
of the problems you are having. If nothing has been documented for the
specific error, submitting the error to the kernel mailing list is an option. The
guidelines for doing this are in the README file in the base directory of the
kernel source under the section IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG.
Runtime Errors, Boot Loader Problems, and Kernel
Runtime errors occur as the kernel is loading. Error messages are displayed
on the screen or are written to the /var/log/messages file. Boot loader
problems display messages to the screen; no log file is produced. Kernel oops
are errors in a running kernel, and error messages are written to the
/var/log/messages file.
Excellent documentation exists on the Internet for troubleshooting just about
every type of error that GRUB2 or the kernel could give during boot. The best
way to find this documentation is to go to your favorite search engine and
type in the keywords of the error you received. Adjust the keywords you use
as you focus your search.
If you have GRUB problems, see the GRUB manual online at
[ and look for further information at]( and look for further information at)
References—The Linux Kernel Archives, the source of all
development discussion for the Linux kernel—A source for manuals and software for programs used
throughout the kernel compilation process as well as official
documentation for tools such as make and gcc—The starting point for anything you
want to know about both Ubuntu and its use of the Linux kernel—The Ubuntu kernel team’s
answers to the most commonly asked questions about Ubuntu’s use of
Linux kernels—The Linux Documentation Project, the Mecca of all
Linux documentation and an excellent source of HOWTO