Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

(singke) #1
mysql—Interactively queries the mysqld  server
mysqladmin—Administers the mysqld server
mysqldump—Dumps or backs up MySQL data or tables
psql—Accesses PostgreSQL via an interactive terminal

Graphical Clients

If you prefer to interact with a database by using a graphical database client
rather than with the command-line clients discussed in the previous sections,
you are in luck: A few options are available.

MySQL has an official graphical client called MySQLGUI. MySQLGUI is
available in both source and binary formats from the MySQL website at

PostgreSQL has pgAdmin, which comes with the postgres package on

Web-based administration interfaces are also available for MySQL and
PostgreSQL. phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin are two such products. Both of
these products are based on the PHP-embedded scripting language and
therefore require you to have PHP installed. Of course, you also need to have
a web server installed.


http://www.mysql.com—The    official    website of  the MySQL   database    server,
where you can find the latest versions, up-to-date information, and
online documentation for MySQL. (You can also purchase support
contracts here. You might want to look into this if you will be using
MySQL in a corporate setting. Many corporations balk at the idea of
using software for which the company has no support contract in place.)
http://mariadb.org—The home page for MariaDB
http://www.postgresql.org—The official website of the PostgreSQL database
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