address book and folders for segregating email.
You must configure your web server to work with PHP 4. You can find
detailed installation instructions in
/usr/share/doc/squirrelmail/INSTALL. After you configure
Squirrelmail, point your web browser to the default install location,
[, to read and send email.](, to read and send email.)
Virus Scanners
Although the currently held belief is that Linux is immune to email viruses
targeted at Microsoft Outlook users, it certainly makes no sense for UNIX
mail servers to permit infected email to be sent through them. Although
Ubuntu does not provide a virus scanner by default, some of the popular
scanners are available in the Ubuntu repositories. Take a look at ClamAV as a
popular example.
Autoresponders automatically generate replies to received messages; they are
commonly used to notify others that the recipient is out of the office.
Mercifully, Ubuntu does not include one by default, but you can find and
install an autoresponder like vacation or gnarwl from the Ubuntu
software repositories. If you are subscribed to a mailing list, be aware that
automatic responses from your account can be very annoying to others on the
list. Please unsubscribe from mail lists before you leave the office with your
autoresponder activated.
References—The Sendmail home page, where you can find
configuration information and FAQs regarding the Sendmail MTA—The Postfix home page, where you can find
documentation and sample configurations—Ubuntu community
documentation for Postfix—The home page for the Qmail MTA, which contains
documentation and links to other resources on Qmail—Ubuntu community