Number set to 389 . Click OK three times to get back to the main interface.
FIGURE 37.1 Thunderbird’s options allow you to download the LDAP
directory for offline use.
LDAP Administration
After you have your LDAP server and clients set up, they require little
maintenance until something changes externally. Specifically, if someone in
your directory changes jobs, changes her phone number, gets married
(changing her last name [surname]), quits, or experiences some other change,
you need to be able to update your directory to reflect the change.
You installed some useful utilities with the ldap-utils package earlier:
ldapsearch—Opens a connection to an LDAP server and searches its
directory for requested information
ldapmodify—Opens a connection to an LDAP server and allows you
to add or modify entries
ldapadd—Opens a connection to an LDAP server and allows you to add
an entry
ldapdelete—Opens a connection to an LDAP server and allows you
to delete one or more entries
Each of these utilities requires administration privileges, so use sudo with
them all. None of these utilities are simple to use, but they all come with
moderate amounts of documentation in their man pages.