Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

(singke) #1

appear at first glance to be errors, but some errors are not really problems (for
example, if a piece of hardware is configured but not present on your system).

Thanks to Google, troubleshooting is no longer the slow process it used to be.
You can copy and paste error messages into Google’s search bar to bring up a
whole selection of results similar to the problem you face. You are likely to
come across people who have had the same problem as you.

It is important to work on finding and testing only one solution to one
problem at a time; otherwise, you might end up getting no work done
whatsoever. You should also get into the habit of making backup copies of all
files that you modify, just in case you make a bad situation worse. Use the
copy (cp) command like this:

Click here to view code image
matthew@seymour:~$ cp file file.backup20180101c

You should not use a .bak extension on your backup files because this could
get overwritten by another automatic process and leave you frustrated when
you try to restore the original file. I like to use the convention
backupYYYYMMDD, as in the preceding code, where I used the date for New
Year’s Day 2018: 2018 (year) 01 (month) 01 (day).

If something breaks as a result of your changes to the original file, you can
always copy the original back into place by using the command like this:

Click here to view code image
matthew@seymour:~$ cp file.backup20180101 file

Something as simple as this can really save you, especially when you are
under pressure because you’ve changed something you shouldn’t have
changed on a production system. It is best not to make sweeping changes
on a production system.

If you are having trouble with booting your system, you may find it helpful to
read Chapter 15, “The Boot Process,” as it details aspects like the boot loader
and startup process. Understanding what happens during this process will give
you an idea of what to look for and how to solve problems.


http://www.ubuntu.com: This is  the place   to  start   when    looking for news,
information, and documentation about installing, configuring, and using
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