Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

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the MOTU team. You can easily get in touch with the team and get team
members’ answers to help you through the process. Some are very active,
hands-on, and others are busier and might only respond when you ask
questions. There are tons of opportunities. The “References” section that
follows includes a link to the MOTU web page.


https://uds.ubuntu.com—The  main    website for the Ubuntu  Developers’
http://developer.ubuntu.com—The main website for Ubuntu
http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps—Useful resources for developing
apps for Ubuntu to be run on multiple device platforms, including the
Ubuntu SDK, which is loaded with tools to assist in this task
https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/—An additional collection
of resources for creating Ubuntu apps
http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/—A great list of useful
resources for Ubuntu development
http://packaging.ubuntu.com—The main website for the Ubuntu
Packaging Guide, which helped greatly in the writing of this chapter and
goes into far greater detail than this chapter. (This packaging guide is
also available directly from the Ubuntu software repositories in the
ubuntu-packaging-guide package.)
http://harvest.ubuntu.com—The main website for Harvest
—The main website for the Ubuntu community Bug Fixing Initiative
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU—The main website for the Ubuntu
community Masters of the Universe (MOTU) team
http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/—The blog of Daniel Holbach, who once
worked for Canonical and organized the original MOTU team
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