Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

(singke) #1

and then accessed from anywhere. Scratch has an online component, but
development happens on a local machine.

To use Scratch on Ubuntu, install scratch and check out
[http://scratch.mit.edu to get started.](http://scratch.mit.edu to get started.)


Vala is a very new language. It was designed to make the lives of the
developers of GNOME easier by bringing features from modern languages
into C for use in GNOME desktop environment development. The syntax is
very similar to that of C#. Vala is a compiled language, but instead of being
complied directly to bytecode, Vala is compiled to C, which is then compiled
with a C compiler for each specific platform.

In C, a programmer must manually manage references in memory. In Vala,
this is automated if the built-in reference types are used instead of plain
pointers. Vala also uses the GNOME GObject system to provide reference
counting. For the most part, Vala is primarily used by people working on
GNOME, which makes sense because this is the reason Vala was developed.
Time will tell whether it receives wider interest.

To use Vala on Ubuntu, you write programs in your favorite text editor. To
compile, you need the package valac, which is the Vala compiler. You then
need to compile the output from that with a C compiler such as the GNU C
compiler, described in Chapter 40, “Using Programming Tools for Ubuntu.”


http://www.adaic.org—The    Ada Information Clearinghouse,  an  excellent
resource for learning Ada
http://clojure.org—The main website for Clojure
http://dlang.org—The main website for D
http://www.dartlang.org—The main website for Dart
http://elixir-lang.org—The main website for Elixir
http://www.erlang.org—The main website for Erlang
http://www.forth.org—The main website for the Forth Interest Group, a great
place to learn more about Forth
https://www.gnu.org/software/gforth/—The main website for Gforth,
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