McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1

  1. Notwithstanding the boss, the employees at the small
    firm are known for their amicability.
    A cantankerous
    B jovial
    C intelligent
    D serious
    E frigid
    F diligent

  2. More than stingy, the accountant will willingly spend
    money on purchases that he believes justify the cost.
    A miserly
    B withholding
    C frugal
    D thrifty
    E profligate
    F excessive

  3. The heroine reacted with uncharacteristic to her town’s
    tragedy: prior to that point in the novel, she had been defined by her
    A stoicism
    B emotion
    C aplomb
    D concern
    E zealousness
    F indifference

  4. The conclusion to be drawn from the football game is that the outcomes
    of sporting events are, as a recent commentator accurately stated,
    : even the best prognostications are flawed.
    A exciting
    B retaliatory
    C enthralling
    D unforeseen
    E competitive
    F unpredictable


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